Considering how gridlocked Washington DC is, sometimes we just want to send them all off to a tropical island and have them duke it out.

Discovery Channel apparently heard our wishes, so they shipped off two Senators from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum to a remote island to see if they could live together for just a week.

The two politicians were Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico. The network sent them to Eru, an island in the Marshall Islands, where they had to survive six days and six nights together.

In an interview with the Arizona Republic, Flake said that he was surprised by Heinrich’s outdoor skills, but he couldn’t give any further details before the show starts airing. As a Republican, he also stressed that the venture was not paid for by taxpayers. It was a personal choice to do it and they made sure it was legal according to Congressional ethics rules.

"This was not (taxpayer-funded). This was a personal expense, completely, every dime," Flake told the Arizona Republic. "We were extremely careful with all the rules and went through the ethics committee."

Rival Survival was produced by Renegade. The network announced that the show will begin on Oct. 29 at 10 p.m.

It will be exciting to see how two people with little in common politically can work together. After all, they did once work together as members of the “Gang of 8” that proposed immigration policy changes in the U.S.