The Ghost Adventures crew, Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin, traveled to St. Louis to investigate the Lemp Mansion and Brewery Company. This location is said to be one of the top 10 most haunted locations in the United States. I noticed the 11 and up sign at the opening of the show and thought how appropriate it was that they at least tried to limit the viewing of this material by younger audiences. The opening was Zak’s usual narration, but the pictures that accompanied his introduction were truly gruesome. Perhaps it’s because Halloween is around the corner or they just wanted to cause an effect. But, to my mind, it rather detracts from the actual experiences that they document. Maybe some people don’t have the vivid imagination that I do, but I have no need for those kinds of images being thrust upon me while watching their show.

The Lemp family story is a tragic one. They moved to St. Louis in 1838 and started a brewing company making lager beer; something new to the residents of St. Louis. They quickly made a fortune and one of the sons was killed. The father was so distraught by this that he went into his room, locked the door and shot himself. Three of his children would also shoot themselves and another commit suicide by a different means. Some say the family is cursed. The mansion sits atop a vast cave that was owned by Cherokee Indians. There is a story that the chief’s daughter was pledged to a brave, but ran away into the caves with another, whom she loved. They became lost and died in the caves.

As usual, the crew did some research before the lockdown. They spoke with a woman who has worked in the mansion for 20 plus years and also with the maintenance man, Chris. The first floor of the mansion is now used as a restaurant. The woman said she has seen something every single day. Once, when she was sleeping on a pull out bed, during an event that had overnight guests, she heard a door open. She put the covers over her head, but felt a presence walk around her bed and lean over her. Then it moaned in the most terrifying way.

Matt Bell and his wife own the mansion now. He said his wife was in one room, dusting and cleaning things. She left to another room for about 15 minutes and when she came back noticed all of the paintings were upside down!

At this point, Zak said that for whatever reason, they had gotten away from the X’s and were bringing them back. Aaron, ever the clown, wanted to sing but, in typical Zak fashion, he wouldn’t let him. An X for the camera during lock-down was placed in that room. John and Lisa Heales had spent the night there and heard voices and saw the door knob twist.

Zak showed the viewers a map of the caves beneath the mansion and they were extensive and deep. Photographer Mike Stodden, a crew member was walking down there when a strange incident occurred. Before walking in, he had placed his glasses in his shirt pocket. After a few yards he felt for them to put them on and his pocket was empty. Going around the corner, he saw a pair of glasses 50 feet ahead of him. We went and picked them up and put them on – they were his glasses!

People have stated that spirits have actually charged at them. Chris the maintenance man said that in one room he found candles laid out in lines. Zak suggested that maybe someone had been doing satanic rituals in that room. This is the area where the casks of beer were stored as it is always 65 degrees. The door that led to the caves was locked causing Zak some frustration. Just then they heard a disembodied female voice.

The guys had a discussion about who would stay down there alone and they ended up two against one: Zak stayed. That is more than fair as he is frequently making Aaron take that spot!

Aaron and Nick started to head up to the fourth floor to investigate the charging ghost claims. Aaron started a spirit box session asking questions. Soon they heard a response, “who died”? Was this William Lemp asking about the family he left behind? Aaron kept asking questions and then the same voice was heard, deep and male but the sentence was unintelligible.

Meanwhile, almost as soon and the other two left, Zak’s flashlight failed. He was forced to rely solely on his night vision camera. At first he sounded angry but then went to scared. He tried calling the guys on his walkie-talkie, but Nick couldn’t understand him. Zak started doing some EVP sessions and asked questions, like “who’s here?” He got the answer: “why?”

At the same time, Aaron told Nick he just got a bad feeling about Zak and wanted to head downstairs. As they start down they heard a voice say “help me” and the sound of a heavy door slamming shut. They rushed down the stairs to find the heavy door that had been open earlier, now shut! Finally they reached Zak on the walkie-talkie and went to get him.

Onward they went, to the mansion, which was right over the cave system. Zak used one of the most sensitive recorders you can use. He started addressing Mr. Lemp, asking questions and for him to give him a sign if he could hear him. A voice was caught in tandem with a ball of light floating toward the camera. The voice said “help.” Zak said that all at once he felt extremely sad and heavy presence with him in the room. He asked more questions, but only caught some vague murmurs. They spent hours going from room to room, but no more was caught that night.

Zak said that their status and money couldn’t keep them from whatever dark spirits followed them. And, that money can’t buy happiness; sometimes it can’t even buy security: even from yourself.