It’s being reported that Tori Spelling’s recent hospitalization for a severe case of bronchitis is just a cover up for deeper issues that the former 90210 star has been battling.

As we previously reported, she had an Ebola-like quarantine at Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles this week.

According to TMZ, she isn’t sick at all and is actually faking it. Sources say she’s having a nervous breakdown over her marriage issues, financial problems and fleeting career.

A friend actually told TMZ, “I am hoping that shedding some light on it for all of her fans to read may actually lead her to seek some change in her life ... kind of like David Hasselhoff watching the drunk video of himself eating a hamburger."

She also posted a cryptic message on Instagram on Thursday, writing that she’s realized there’s “one person” who will never be there for her but does not name any names. Of course, that started speculation it’s about her husband Dean McDermott, who cheated on her last year.

“This sick in hospital I finally see how quickly life can take it all away frm you. We all need 2 step up frm inside& go 4 it! W/our friends by our side. Sadly I've finally faced truth that 1 person will never be there 4 me #TrueTori,” she wrote.

image via Instagram from Tori Spelling

image via Lek/