Alfred Has Arrived, Bruce Visits a New World and Jim Gordon Stands Alone

The episode begins with a group of assassins attacking the gardener outside of Wayne Manor. Bruce and Selina are inside continuing Bruce’s training and their relationship seems to be growing. One of the assassins arrives at Wayne Manor and pretends that she was in a car accident. Alfred yells for Bruce and Selina to run as he fights off the intruders. Selina and Bruce escape Wayne Manor while Alfred fights off the intruders, killing one of them before being shot in the shoulder. Bruce and Selina are getting closer to Gotham and Selina wants to get Bruce to a safe location before he can call Alfred.

Jim and Harvey arrive at Wayne Manor, and Jim is furious that somehow Lovecraft knew where to find Selina. Harvey is very upset that Jim didn’t tell him about Selina being in the alleyway the night of the Wayne Murders. Harvey promises to help Jim find Bruce and Selina as well as take down Lovecraft. Oswald is brought to Falcone mansion where Falcone is questioning his trust. He wants to know how Maroni knew where his money was and why he destroyed it. Oswald claims that Maroni’s wasn’t involved and that Falcone has a mole in his family. Oswald throws Fish’s name under the bus and promises Falcone that he will find the mole.

Jim confronts Dent about the Lovecraft situation and how did the assassins know where Selina was. Dent claims he didn’t tell anyone, but he whispered Jim’s name to a few small sources. Jim is furious and blames Dent for the kids disappearance. Dent promises they will find Lovecraft and have him call off the assassins and they will find Bruce and Selina. An afternoon meal at Falcone mansion begins with one of the family’s associates being shot and killed by Falcone. He claims that the family should trust him and he is going to find out who did this. He says the tariffs will increase 25% to make up for what they have lost. Fish tells everyone to trust Falcone.

Selina tells Bruce that the assassins were there for her and tells him to stay away from her. He chases after her and eventually proves himself to her by jumping across two buildings just to catch up with her. She takes him to an abandoned building where many street kids hang out where she runs into Ivy, Mario Pepper’s daughter who is having issues dealing with the deaths of her parents. Selina warns Bruce that Ivy is dangerous.

Harvey and Alfred arrive at Fish’s club to talk with her about Selina. Alfred uses his unique methods to persuade Fish to talk with them. Fish claims to know that Selina was the secret witness in the Wayne Murder case and Alfred begs and compliments Fish and she agrees to help them. “Remember my kindness” Fish says to them as she promises to make some calls.
They find out that the kids could be in a place called ‘The Factory’ which is located in The Narrows.

Jim arrives at Lovecraft’s penthouse to find him hiding with his gun drawn. Lovecraft reveals that the same assassins were coming after him. Lovecraft says that he was finding out some information about what was happening right before the murders. The assassins arrive and Jim fights them while Lovecraft tries to make a run for it. The woman puts Jim in a choke hold, rendering him unconscious. He wakes up to a phone call and finds Lovecraft in the bathroom with a bullet in his head. Jim also sees that they used his gun to kill him.

Selina and Bruce go talk with Clyde, the man who is in charge of ‘The Factory.’ They are trying to negotiate prices for stolen items in exchange for cash, but they refuse Clyde’s offer and he threatens them while locking them in an upstairs room. We see the assassins arrive and pay Clyde and demand to know where Selina is. Selina and Bruce are attempting to escape the room while the assassins approach. They are attempting to climb out of the room when they knock out one of the assassins as they run away.

Alfred and Harvey arrive and a shootout ensues. Alfred races inside the building while Bruce and Selina stay hidden. Bruce makes a run for it and is confronted by the lead assassin. He refuses to reveal where Selina is while Selina escapes the building. Alfred finds Bruce, extremely relieved that he is unharmed. Jim takes out one of the other assassins, saving Harvey.

Dent and Jim are talking with Mayor James about the Lovecraft situation. The Mayor wants to announce it is a suicide. The Mayor is furious with them and promises that one of them is going down. He says Dent knows how to “walk the line” while Jim doesn’t. Jim then stands up and says “Mayor James…kiss my ass!” Mayor James addresses the media about the Lovecraft situation and saying the responsible officer is being punished. He removes Jim from the GCPD and places him at Arkham Asylum as a security guard. Harvey wishes him well…hoping to see him soon.

Selina visits Bruce at Wayne Manor and returns the items she stole from him. She gives him a kiss then quietly leaves. Alfred comes in and talks with him, saying the place feels quieter without Selina there.

We see Jim arriving at Arkham Asylum…