The number of women who claim that they were sexually assaulted by comedian Bill Cosby has grown by four. The alleged incidents happened over the course of decades, stretching from the 1970s to the 1990s.

Late Thursday, Therese Serignese, now 57, told her story to People, claiming that she was sxually assaulted by Cosby in 1976, when she was 19, at the Las Vegas Hilton. She says that Cosby gave her Quaaludes and recalled being raped.

Serignese says that she was one of the 13 unidentified women who were going to testify against Cosby in the 2006 civil suit filed by Andrea Constand, two years after she was allegedly assaulted by Cosby.

On Monday, another woman, Linda Joy Traitz, claimed on Facebook that she was also assaulted when she was 19, 40 years ago, reports Radar Online. She said she never came forward before, and only did so now because the actor was back in the news and other women had done so.

RELATED: How Bill Cosby’s Comeback Unraveled

However, TMZ reports that Traitz has a long criminal record and was released from prison in 2012 after serving three years on drug trafficking changes. Cosby’s attorney, Marty Singer told TMZ that this is “the latest example of people coming out of the woodwork with unsubstantiated or fabricated stories about my client.”

Still, two other women told their story overnight. Louisa Moritz, who appeared in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, told TMZ that Cosby forced her to have oral sex before he appeared on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1971. Singer tried to discredit her by pointing out that the California State Bar recently ordered Moritz, a lawyer now, not to practice.

The latest woman to come forward is model/actress Angela Leslie, who spoke with The New York Daily News. The incident she described happened in 1992 and, like some of the others, happened in Las Vegas.

“The main thing I want is for people to know him for who he really is,” Leslie told the Daily News. “He’s not this dad of America.”

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