The last episode of CSI opens up on a flashback to the story of the Gig Harbor Killer. We see a flashback of when Finlay shot Jared Briscoe to save Cooper and her talk with Internal Affairs. Keri Torres and Daniel Shaw are talking about him being interested in Julie, but Keri tells him to forget about her because she wants Cooper. Back in the present, Finlay goes to see Dan, who is still worried about Keri, who has been missing. It has been quiet since she went missing but Finlay is sure something will happen in the near future.

Morgan runs to find Cooper after she and Greg got wind of a 911 call where a woman is being murdered. Greg is trying to track the location and the police go to the building, only to find the place is empty save for a crime scene set up and a radio recording of the murder taking place. Nick and Sara realize the killer is back.

Sara and Nick are processing the scene where there are actually cameras this time. The films will need to be brought out in a dark room. There is a digital recorder where the killer is making observations. Using a black light, they see a message that says ‘People lie. Follow the evidence.’ They get to work.

Sara listens to the audio, where the killer is now analyzing the killer and his methodology in choosing victims while Nick is at the scene processing the blood that was found on the floor. Cooper hears the audio and knows they are being mocked. Sara was able to isolate the background noise and she realizes the killer walked away and someone else turned off the recorder. Sarah figures Paul found a new partner if he is the killer.

Paul calls Cooper, who meets with him in the office at the lab. Paul wants to find the truth on the killer and tells Cooper about his brother’s new trial and that he had his brother analyzed. Paul wants Cooper to help since he found evidence that could exonerate Jared, but put his previous work under scrutiny. Cooper declines help.

Dan talks to someone named Eddie for help meeting with someone. They had found records on Jared Briscoe, but not on a twin. They found his mother, Cynthia Hughes, and she is actually Jared’s adoptive mother and her name was put on the birth certificate. She feels responsible for what Jared became because her husband was abusive. She never knew Jared had a twin, but he had come from a place named St. Gabriella’s where girls who got “in trouble” went to have their babies.

Morgan has developed the photos, which are all of the crime scene and of a body. There is no DNA on the body. Greg is still getting some of the film developed. Some of the images are blurry and show images of something that could lead to where the killer is located.

Dan and Julie arrive at the convent to talk to Sister Alice. She has a ledger with an entry of twin boys being born to Nancy Harper. Many babies were given to families informally. They ask about Paul’s whereabouts and she tells him another sister made a note from her memory after a fire. The baby named Paul passed away.

Julie tells Cooper they are digging up the grave to find out who is in the grave. She tells Cooper someone else came to ask about Jared and Paul Winthrop a year before the murders began.

Sara and Nick are looking at the strings that Nick separated. They didn’t find a Gemini constellation and Nick is having a hard time. Nick decides to connect the dots on the cameras and he gets the Virgo constellation. Sara thinks it could be mother issues.

At the cemetery, the baby is taken out of the casket and Julie opens up the wrap to find a doll instead of a baby. She takes the head off and finds a piece of paper with a photo of a teenager, possibly the birth mother. There is also a hair inside the doll, possibly the mother’s.

Cooper and Sara watch the psychological evaluation that was done on Jared Briscoe, where he discusses being separated from his brother and mother. Sara thinks it’s possible that Jared is being honest and that the reason Paul wants his brother out is because Paul needs him since “without the reflection, the narcissist dies too.”

Henry and Morgan are discussing the DNA in the strings, their victim is Pamela Kramer and the other victim is Keri Torres, who has been missing for weeks. But then, Morgan gets information on her phone telling them Keri is at Desert Palm.

Morgan tells Cooper at the hospital that she was found incoherent and she has horrible injuries. She had gotten away from her attacker. The killer had underestimated her need to survive.

Cooper updates Dan and Julie on Keri’s condition, including she had been drugged and tortured. Julie tells him the DNA on the hair came back as a match to Briscoe and Winthrop’s birth mother. She also tells Cooper they are on their way home. Dan remarks he can’t believe that Keri survived and he can’t imagine all she was pit through.

In Keri’s hospital room, Morgan is processing her and taking photographs of her injuries. She finds a piece of glass inside her foot. Keri wakes up gasping and Morgan assures her she is safe. Keri is relieved to realize she got away. She doesn’t remember much of what happened and only remembers being in a room with strings around her like fishing line. She was in a room that made it look like she was in water and there was actually glass all around her. Using a piece of glass, she got out through a vent. Keri identifies the man at the coffee house as Mark Turner, but the photo she recognizes is of Paul Winthrop.

Cooper stops Paul Winthrop, who is about to leave with a young blonde. Cooper discourages her from leaving with him and tells her not to call him because he’s a killer. He tells Paul that he lied about meeting her, but Paul retorts they never asked. He admits to meeting with Keri because he had evidence of Jared’s framing. Paul didn’t want to help Keri since she didn’t show up for another meeting and that he didn’t want to talk to Finlay since she shot Jared. Cooper tells him that Keri is alive.

Greg is trying to find the killer’s location with the photos and Julie comes in as he is working. Greg was able to use software to get a better image on the prints. He recognizes the symbol he saw earlier as a structure that he thinks he has once seen. Hodges comes in to tell them the glass on Keri’s foot was from a type of blue glass used to make tile. Greg uses this information to find the Mizu Hotel and Casino, which was a place that went “belly up” years earlier and was never renovated because it had a bad location.

Julie, Greg, and the police go searching through the abandoned casino. While there, they discover the room where Keri escaped and while investigating, they hear noise from another room. When they go to investigate, Greg and Julie discover a woman who is disoriented and upset. As they try to calm her down, she doesn’t believe they are there to help so Julie leaves to get the police. The woman complains that she is cold and Greg turns to get her something to keep her warm. Big mistake as the woman grabs an object and hits Greg over the head when he turns back to her.

Julie comes back to see the woman holding a gun to Greg, who is still on the ground. His radio is lying on its side and the police are urging him to respond. Julie tries to talk the girl down, but she is delusional and thinks they are there to harm her. Greg tells her he needs to get his radio or the police will shoot her. He reaches for the radio despite her warnings and just as she goes to shoot him, Julie fires her weapon to save Greg.

She sits in front of IAB, much like she did in her flashback from earlier. Dan is watching her interview with Cooper. There is no identification on their latest victim.

Greg is in the locker room when Sara comes to check on him. Greg is feeling guilty about not doing enough to help her and is thinking he could have done things differently. Sarah assures him he wasn’t at fault. He asks how he will live with knowing he could have saved her and didn’t. Sara assures him he did his best and he will know that soon, but she can’t answer how he will be able to live with it.

At autopsy, David is lamenting on what Julie and Greg went through as Robbins investigates the victim. He asks David if he sent DNA up for analysis and informs him that the victim had surgery on her pelvic area. She had colovaginalplasty. The victim used to be a male.

Cooper is reading a report, detailing the fact that the victim’s DNA was a match to the male DNA that was recovered from the bodies of the three Gig Harbor victims that were found weeks earlier, meaning the victim was the Gig Harbor killer. Julie, who had come in at his behest, doesn’t believe the evidence considering that the killers have been playing them the entire time. She believes the DNA was planted and the victim was a woman who was drugged by Winthrop and used for his own game. Cooper is having a hard time with not being able to trust the evidence and being able to catch him, especially since Keri can’t remember anything. Julie is confident that she will remember eventually because of her police background. Cooper decides to call a friend of his for help.

At the hospital, a nurse is with Keri when she sees Dan walk by outside the room. Keri begins to get upset and the nurse pulls the curtain around her. The nurse tells him he has to go and Keri needs rest. Dan says he’ll check on her later and leaves as Julie watches this with a confused look on her face.

Cooper meets with an expert in criminal psychology, Avery Ryan. She tells him that Winthrop needed a dominate/submissive partnership and when his brother went to jail, he needed another partner because he enjoys the killer. Seeing his face, she realizes he knows this information. He mentions that Briscoe stalked his daughter, Maya, and she tells him that at some point, Maya needs to come into play or he needs to take himself out.

Meanwhile, a car drives up with Paul Winthrop inside. He tells someone they have “been a bad boy. Get in.” We see Dan’s reflection as he gets into the car with Winthrop.

All I can say is…what?!

Image courtesy of Peter West/ACE/