Diem Brown, famous for competing on an MTV reality show and reporting on entertainment, passed away Friday morning.

The 32-year-old died in New York City after fighting cancer, according to People. She was in a production of another reality show when she began feeling bad pain in her stomach. Cancer that was discovered in her stomach and colon was reported to be spreading to two other places in her body; the liver and lymph nodes.

Rolling Stone reported that Brown had fought ovarian cancer after being diagnosed twice with it within eight years. She was going to have a chemotherapy treatment on Tuesday to continue to fight the disease. She leaves behind two sisters, a brother, and her father.

Brown was inspired by her previous fight with cancer to create MedGift, according to Rolling Stone. MedGift is a website that allows people to help crowdfund other people’s treatment for a disease as well as aid emotionally.

People reported that Brown’s recent battle with cancer can be found on a blog on their website. She had become famous in her run on Real World/Road Rules Challenge on MTV.
Image by INFevents.com.