Jasmine takes a filing job and Crosby feels like an inadequate provider for the family.

Max plans on asking Dylan out. He finds her in the school kitchen kissing Aaron Brownstein. He gets very upset and creates fliers to get Aaron expelled from Chambers Academy. When Aaron confronts Max about this they both get into a fist fight.

Ruby's mother doesn't want Ruby staying home alone while she is out of town. Ruby tells Hank she isn't going to have anyone over. Hank trusts her and Ruby gets to stay home alone. Later in the evening Hank calls Ruby to check up on her, and hears voices in the background. He drives over to check up on Ruby and sees that she is throwing a party with a keg. He breaks up the party and Ruby says she hates him.

Crosby and Amber have been recording jingle commercials in the studio. In hopes of getting a real band booked and signed, they go to a show. While at the door Crosby is told he can't get in unless he ditches the weed he brought with him. While Crosby is arguing with the doorman, Amber has labor pains. They both go straight to the hospital. Amber doesn't call Drew because she does not want him worrying about it. It turns out it was false contractions.

Dylan visits Mrs. Braverman at her house. She tells Kristina that she is never going to like Max as more than friends. Max comes downstairs, see's Dylan in the foyer, and tells her they are not friends.

Amber visits Drew at his dorm and tells him she had to go to the hospital. She lets him know that she wants her financial stress to be her own stress, and not his. She wants him to do what he is passionate about.

Max makes Dylan a gift. Dylans friends mock him. Dylan tells Max that she will never love him, and to just leave her alone. Max runs out of school. Kristina follows him. Kristina tells her son she is so incredibly proud of him, and that she loved that he showed his emotions.

Hank teaches Ruby how to play Texas Hold' Em.