The story of Scott Stapp, the frontman for ‘90s hitmakers Creed, has continued to take new turns in the days after his desperate Facebook video. It is now being reported that his wife believes he needs to be committed for 60 days and thinks he was lying in that video.

In the video, which surfaced on Wednesday, Stapp claimed he was sober, but broke and living in a Holiday Inn. However, a TMZ report on Friday claimed that Stapp was put on an involuntary psych hold for three days back on Nov. 13.

Now, TMZ is reporting that his wife, Jaclyn Stapp, and his mother-in-law, Hayat Nesheiwat, filed legal documents the day the video was posted. They want a judge to put Stapp on a 60-day psych hold, since they think he is trying to detox himself without any help. They are worried about his well-being, since they say he is refusing to get help for his dangerous addiction to several drugs, including cocaine and steroids.

While the video has since been taken down, Stapp posted a new statement on his own Facebook page. There, he wrote, “I'm going to step back and let God control everything from here on. I should have continued to do that before I allowed my hurt, frustration, and emotions take control and post those videos.”

He believes that his current situation is a test of his faith. “This will be my last statement until after justice is served. Love to you all my friends,” he wrote.

image courtesy of Jay Thornton/