On Friday night’s episode of Blue Bloods, Danny faced his toughest foe yet when an Armenian terrorist named Zoran Brasha came back to New York City and brutally assaulted a delivery driver with a tire iron. Because of his influence and threats, he has been able to avoid prison for his numerous crimes.

In addition to the criminal of this episode, Danny’s sister Erin, who ends up as prosecutor in the case, has a rivalry with the defense attorney, who went to law school with her.

In a lighter storyline, Frank asked son Jamie to take another cop’s place in the boxing ring, which Danny has won previously, a feat that caused a dispute between Frank and another cop, who thought Frank had rigged the match so Danny would win.

This episode seemed a lot slower than the season has had in with the previous episodes, but it was nice to see the family enjoying themselves and not in as much danger as they have been in the past.

We also got to meet Danny’s new sergeant, who definitely has no problem making sure Danny stays in line. Good luck on that one! Let’s take a look at the top ten moments from the last episode of Blue Bloods.

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10. Nicky and Erin

In this episode, Nicky got accepted into multiple colleges, but Erin worried about how she would be able to pay for her daughter’s school with the high cost of tuition. Nicky, who may have heard a conversation between her grandpa and her mom, told her she decided to go to Columbia and that she could get an apartment off campus with a friend of hers. Erin knew what her daughter was doing and it was a sweet scene between mother and daughter.

Image via Twitter from Sami Gayle

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9. Frank and Erin

Frank and Erin always have great scenes together. Erin talks to her dad about the money issues in sending Nicky to college and she also reveals she has been thinking of going into private practice, especially since she has had firms chasing her in the past.

Image via Twitter from Bridget Moynahan

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8. Family dinner

One of the focuses of tonight’s family dinner was on the boxing match that Jamie is supposed to be doing as a favor for his father. It turns out that the reason another cop thought Frank had fixed the results was because he sat down next to one of the judges one night at the bar. Just Frank’s mere presence alone is enough cause for a conspiracy, it seems!

Image via Facebook from Blue Bloods

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7. Intimidation

The victim in the tire iron beating was set to testify against his assailant, but that was before he was sent a threatening text in regards to his niece. After declining to identify his attacker in a lineup, the police need to work harder in order to prove that Brasha is responsible for the attack.

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6. New sergeant

The new sergeant who takes Gormley’s place has a tough demeanor, but she appears to be dedicated in making sure her fellow cops do their job correctly. She is very observant when it comes to Danny and makes sure he knows she has a connection in Gormley. It’ll be interesting to see how the two work together.

Image via Facebook from Blue Bloods

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5. Erin’s rivalry

Erin has a rivalry with a defense attorney, who lost out to valedictorian because of Erin, and they seem to have a civil relationship. However, Erin is less than thrilled when the defense attorney makes it hard for her to win her case against Brasha, but in the end, Erin is able to prove firsthand to the lawyer that her client is guilty when a videotape is revealed to police that captures the brutal beating.

Image via Twitter from Blue Bloods

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4. Witness

One of the witnesses, a shop owner whose store was the only one in view of the attack on the delivery man, is not very helpful to police and he appears to be very afraid. With the help of Danny’s new boss and her promise of protection, he eventually gives them the tape that captured the attack.

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3. Press conference

Frank has spent the episode dealing with the Interpol wanting to take Brasha overseas so he can be formally charged for racketeering charges, despite the fact New York wants him in connection with the crimes taking place there. Once they have him, Frank does a press conference and seems to ignore Garrett’s advice when he tells him what key words to use, including “the good guys won.” Frank informs the press of Brasha’s arrest and when asked why New York didn’t have him, he responds that the most important thing is the victims will get justice with Brasha behind bars and he uses the phrase Garrett gives him, which is “the good guys won.”

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2. Tape

When Danny and his new boss are trying to get the security tape to see if the attack was filmed, they have some issues until they are able to convince the shop owner they can protect him. Soon enough, the tape is found and we have visible proof that Brasha attacked the delivery driver. This is also enough to convince Erin’s rival, the defense attorney representing Brasha, that she can’t allow him to escape again.

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1. Boxing

The secondary plot to the case involved Jamie outside of work. Frank asked his son to take another cop’s, Rico, place when he injured his ankle before a big fight. Rico trains Jamie for a few days since he barely has enough time to train. However, the night of the fight, Jamie sees Rico getting off a motorcycle that requires him to press down in such a way that he shouldn’t be able to on a bum ankle. It turns out Rico healed faster than expected and he didn’t want to break the Reagan streak when it came to boxing. Jamie brushed him off and told him another more important trait of a Reagan was giving someone “his due” and he gets Rico to get in the ring instead of him.

Image via Facebook from Blue Bloods