In this episode of The Flash, Joe is stunned to find out that the bombinb case he has been working on is being taken over by the Army, namely General Eiling. The bombing suspect is actually a meta-human named Bette Sans Souci, who was a bombs specialist for the army.
She is a human bomb and can transform anything she touches into a bomb. Unlike past meta-humans, she isn’t evil by choice and the team is unable to come up with a way to help her due to her cellular structure being combined with the shrapnel in her body.
Meanwhile, Barry tries to convince Iris to stop writing about the steak to no avail. He talks to her as the streak as well, but it doesn’t work. Because of the stress of not revealing his secret and their fight, he decides they need to stop being friends. It’s a painful process and we have to wonder how long it will be before she finds out the truth.
From Cisco’s reaction to Barry’s suit being destroyed, to Joe’s line regarding a new-meta human when he says “It must be Tuesday in Central City” and finally, to the past relationship between Harrison and the general, who worked together before Harrison got tired of his methods, there were amazing moments in this episode. Let’s take a look at the top ten moments from The Flash episode “Plastique.”
Image via Kristin Callahan/ACE/
[new page= Drinking]
10. Drinking
While out at a bar with Cisco, Caitlin, Eddie, and Iris, Barry reveals to the first two that he isn’t getting drunk when he takes shots. Caitlin gets excited and wants to take a blood sample. Barry laments on being only 25 and no longer being able to get drunk.
Image via Facebook from The Flash
[new page= Army takes over]
9. Army takes over
Joe is stunned to find out that Army General Eiling is taking over the bombing case. He is ordered to give them all they want and that includes the things Barry finds. Barry hands over his evidence, but not before using his super speed to get a file number to give to S.T.A.R. Labs.
Image via Facebook from The Flash
[new page= Bette Sans Souci]
8. Bette Sans Souci
After finding out who their suspect is, Barry goes to get her. She tries to escape when he goes to grab her, but when her hand touches his chest, he tells her to take off what he’s wearing as his suit turns purple. He rushes off only for his suit to explode just as he takes it off. When he tells Cisco and Caitlin what happened, Cisco is deeply troubled, because despite making two others, it was his favorite.
Image via Facebook from The Flash
[new page= Kill Eiling]
7. Kill Eiling
Harrison goes to talk to Bette, who is still reeling from knowing she won’t be able to have her DNA unspliced to remove the shrapnel from her cellular structure. He tells her about how they would do anything to get their lives back to normal and he knows she is a soldier who would protect those she cared about. He tells her that himself, Barry, and the others are now her flock and Eiling must be eliminated to protect them.
Image via Facebook from The Flash
[new page= Saving a life]
6. Saving a life
Barry comes to the rescue of a window washer after a bombing occurs at a building. He has never run up a wall before and asks his friends how fast he needs to run. They tell him to just run as fast as he can but maintain the velocity he has. He is able to save the man’s life and when he makes it to the bottom, he comes face to face with a stunned Iris.
[new page= Joe knows]
5. Joe knows
Barry and Joe have a talk when Barry discovers him in his lab. He tells Joe he figured out why Iris is writing the article and that it was for him. When he finds out Barry went to Iris as The Streak, Joe asks if Iris would have known his voice, but then Barry demonstrates being able to use his vocal chords to change his voice. He still wants to tell Iris the truth because he tells her everything, but then Joe says ‘not everything.’ Barry is confused, until he realizes Joe has known about the crush on Iris for years.
Image via Facebook from The Flash
[new page= Outrun a bomb]
4. Outrun a bomb
When Barry finds out Bette left the lab to go pursue Eiling, he races to stop her. Upon arriving, where she has already detonated an explosion, he stops her but then Eiling shoots her. As she is dying, she tries to tell Barry something about Doctor Wells. Barry looks at her body and realizes she is about to detonate. He knows he has to get the body away from the city before she explodes and he asks the team how fast he needs to run on water. He makes his way to the center of the ocean with her body before he dumps her in and makes it to the shore.
Image via Twitter from The Flash
[new page= Iris and The Flash]
3. Iris and The Flash
After finding out from Joe that Iris posted another article about the streak on her blog with her name, Barry realizes she did this because of an argument they had when he asked her to stop writing. He goes to her as The Flash and asks her to stop writing about him and she tries to interview him, but he keeps hiding his face. Then she tells him about her friend who believed in something impossible and asks him to save her friend. The Flash tells her that her friend is lucky and he leaves.
Image via Twitter from Candice Patton
[new page= No longer friends]
2. No longer friends
Barry goes to Iris one more time to ask her to stop writing about the streak. She wants to know why he doesn’t want her to do this, but he doesn’t tell the truth, instead saying he wants to put the whole thing with his family behind him. Iris tells him she wants the city to believe in the streak, too. Knowing he isn’t getting through to her, Barry tells her they should no longer be friends.
Image via Twitter from Candice Patton
[new page= Grodd]
1. Grodd
In a final meeting with Eiling, Harrison is asked to work together again because his lab’s accident has created unimaginable things. Harrison tells him no and not to come near him. As he leaves, Eiling tells him he knows his secret, which makes Harrison pause. A flashback to five years earlier reveals the night that they stopped working together when Eiling had done experiments on someone. Harrison goes down to a cage to talk to what seems like some sort of creature and he assures him he won’t be hurt anymore. The name on the cage door says Grodd.
Image via Twitter from Charlie Schneider