Emma Roberts will be teaming up alongside Jamie Lee Curtis in the upcoming comedy-horror series by Fox, Scream Queens. The series is being created by Ryan Murphy who is known for his work on American Horror Story and Glee.
Image courtesy of Peter West/ACE/INFphoto.com
Deadline reported that Roberts and Curtis would star in the 15-episode first installment of the series. The series is expected to be released next fall.
The show will focus on a college campus which has been plagued by a series of murders.
Both leading ladies have had experience with the horror genre. Curtis is known for being in one of the most popular films of all time Halloween and Roberts has been featured in American Horror Story: Coven and Freak Show.
Murphy will be an executive producer on the series along with fellow Glee producer Dante Di Loreto for 20th Century Fox TV.
Curtis can be seen in two upcoming films, Spare Parts and Spychosis, UPI added.