Roy G. Bivolo is our newest meta human and he has the ability to cause people to get into rage in order to distract them so he can commit his crimes. Oliver Queen, aka Arrow, comes to help Barry, although he is very reluctant to be a part of the hunt for the meta human. However, Harrison and Joe are uneasy with Barry providing assistance to the vigilante, especially since he has killed people in the past.
Meanwhile, Eddie wants to put together a task force to stop The Flash, but Iris is unhappy about this. But when Flash is infected by the meta human he is after, he ends up confronting Eddie and Iris, which only serves to make Eddie that much more determined to catch him. Unfortunately, Iris also ends up turning her back on Flash as well.
The interaction between Arrow and Flash was amazing as Oliver attempted to help Barry understand he has so much more to learn about being a hero. Oliver also seems to feel there is something off about Harrison by the end of the episode and he advises Barry to let Iris go since they can’t always have the girl they want. Also…does Oliver have…a child? So many things to learn!
Make sure to tune in tomorrow night for the second part of the Arrow/Flash crossover and I will be back with a top ten on that amazing episode as well. But for now, check out our top ten moments from tonight’s episode of The Flash episode “Flash vs. Arrow.”
Image courtesy of Kristin Callahan/ACE/
[new page= Felicity’s shirt]
10. Felicity’s shirt
Barry shows off a bit by taking Felicity with him back to S.T.A.R. Labs using his speed. However, this only ends up causing Felicity’s shirt to get on fire and she takes her shirt off in a panic, much to Cisco’s amusement, but Caitlin is quick to get her a sweater.
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9. Iris and Flash
Iris contacts Flash to warn him that Eddie is going to his boss to try and stop him. When Flash first sees her, he asks if they broke up and let’s out a disappointed ‘oh’ when she says they didn’t.
[new page= Stealing lunch]
8. Stealing lunch
When we see Eddie’s boss, he is getting ready to have lunch, but he’s distracted by Eddie trying to talk to him. Outside the office, Barry is getting ready to go when he mentions eating food and proceeds to steal the boss’s lunch.
Image via Twitter from Tom Cavanagh
[new page= Arrow save]
7. Arrow save
Flash makes it in time to save Joe, who is about to be shot by a fellow officer who has been brainwashed by the meta human. Just as Flash saves Joe, he sees a bown shoot out at the officer and looks up to see Arrow.
[new page= Top three]
6. Top three
Iris is star struck when she meets Oliver and she playfully slaps Barry when she finds out he knew him and never told her. She tells Barry Oliver is on her list of top three guys she’s allowed to cheat on Eddie with.
[new page= Working together]
5. Working together
Oliver is reluctant to work with Barry, but Felicity points out that both Harrison and Joe told Barry he was dangerous, but Barry still defended him. Oliver finally relents and tells Barry he will help, but that he refuses to call the bad guy a meta human.
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4. Confrontation
The Flash ends up becoming whammied by Bivolo and while the effects don’t seem to hit him right away, he begins to show the effects over time, including when he defends himself against Oliver and yells at him about being jealous. Then at the police station, he ends up yelling at his boss and at Joe, who sees his eyes glow. Later, Barry is still consumed with anger and ends up pulling Eddie out of his car to confront him, too.
Image via Facebook from The Flash
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3. Cold gun
Felicity hears from Oliver that Barry was acting weird and Joe comes to tell the people at the lab what happened. Cisco remarks that a cold gun would be needed and Joe quickly responds, “Hey!” Next, Harrison surprises Felicity when he tells her to call Oliver for the Arrow’s help, especially since she had refused to tell him the Arrow’s true identity.
Image via Facebook from The Flash
[new page= Special kind of hangover]
2. Special kind of hangover
After getting Eddie and Iris to safety once a whammied Barry is distracted, Arrow and Flash partake in an amazing fight scene, complete with Flash trying to run fast in order to outrun Arrow, who uses his bow and arrow to give him minor injuries. Meanwhile at the lab, Cisco and Arrow’s friend take bets on who will win, much to Felicity’s dismay. The fight comes to an end when Joe and Harrison come down the street in a van and it opens to reveal huge flashing lights to shine in Barry’s face. When Barry is free of the control, he looks at Oliver and says this line about a hangover. He then apologizes to Oliver.
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1. Fire
At the end of the episode, Caitlin is looking at a photo of herself with her fiancé, Ronnie, who died when the particle accelerator blew up. Then, the last scene shows two guys attempting to rob someone who is shaking. But he stands up and fire comes bursting out of his hands. We don’t see his face clearly, but since the scene followed the one with Caitlin, could it be related? We shall see.