For one of his final episodes of The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert finally got to sit down with President Barack Obama. Or rather, Obama sat down with Colbert.

As the leader of the free world, whether Colbert and Republicans like it or not, Obama exercised his right to take over the Report. After Colbert joked about how America is known for its food, once you find it hidden under the cheese, he was about to segue into his famous “The Word” bit. However, Obama stepped in a bit early and did “The Word” - ahem, “The Decree” - himself.

Obama did the entire segment as Colbert, even playing with his pen as he read the teleprompter. That meant that Obama himself had to joke about his health care law’s shortcomings.

Later in the show, Obama and Colbert touched a wide variety of topics, including the Keystone XL pipeline and the midterm election results, which were very disappointing for Democrats.

After asking the crowd who voted, Colbert noted, “That’s pretty good, although, I have to say to see a group of young people raising their hands to their charismatic leader is disturbing.”

Later, Colbert noted that they didn’t always see eye to eye. “I’d be worried if I saw eye to eye with you,” the president replied.

The episode was taped at George Washington University and was among Colbert’s last. He moves to CBS to host the Late Show next year.

image courtesy of Michele Eve Sandberg/