Donnie offers to handle all things regarding Evan for the day, Jenny is wary of handing over the reigns.

In their comfy home in Weehawken, NJ, Donne and Jenny lay in bed waking up while Lumpy the dog is laying near the bed. Jenny had a long night and didn’t get in until 4am so she is exhausted. She barely can keep her eyes open. Donnie offers to take care of Evan and run through his routine so Jenny can sleep in. She has a routine and has gotten Evan used to that. With Evan having autism it is important to keep the routine and not upset him. Jenny reluctantly agrees and tries to keep sleeping while she tells him not to forget to help Evan with his science project.. Donnie tells her enjoy her day off and goes downstairs.

Donnie tells her that he raised boys and to trust him. She tells him that if he makes one mistake with the eggs for Evan, the eggs are done. Evan won't eat them. What does Donnie do with the first batch? Messed them up! He had to start over. He manages to get everything done food wise. Then he works on the science project. He needed glue and couldn't find any so he used bubble gum. Donnie toots his own horn and calls himself a regular Macgyver. He wakes Evan up and as he's helping him dress, he tells him to tell his teacher that he needed to improvise because he couldn't find glue. Evan then points over to his desk at glue sticks and a bottle of glue. Oops Donnie!

Jenny is tossing and turning in bed hoping Donnie can handle this task.

Donnie has to get Evan in school and get to work on the set of Blue Bloods. Luckily he finds a spot right in front of the school. He is doing good time, but then realizes he left the science project in the car which he has to run back out for. He struggles with the project from the car to the school door. He is dropping planets everywhere because the gum isn't holding. He talks about how his moon isn't in his Mars or Venus, mocking the science project and how he is having issues getting it together.

Jenny comes down after waking up from her extra rest. She walks into the kitchen which is a huge mess. As she is cleaning the kitchen she finds Evan’s lunch. She started to freak out and immediately called Donnie who is now at work himself. As they are talking, she thanks him for the morning, but brings up the mess he left behind and that he left the lunch behind. Donnie assures her that he will bring Evan lunch. He has it taken care of. Jenny just wants to make sure Evan is taken care of so she asks if she can do it. Donnie tells her again to just trust him. She tells us that she forgot Evans lunch once and the teacher called her. She felt so bad. She never forgot the lunch again. All thats running through her mind is the teacher is going to call and tell her that everyone is eating but her son isn't because he doesn't have his lunch. She hangs up with Donnie holding onto hope that he has this under control. Macky, her dad enters the kitchen and they have a conversation about how she needs to trust Donnie. So Jenny decides Macky is right and she needs to chill out. She feels grateful to Donnie so she wants to make a special dinner for him. She asks Macky to go with her to the grocery store. They bike ride to the grocery. I have never seen someone bike ride to go shopping for groceries! They get into the store. Jenny wants to cook ‘beer can’ chicken though she doesn't really cook like that. She face-times her mom who helps her find all that she needs to cook the dinner. As shes shopping and talking to her mom, her dad is flirting with the women in the store. Jenny is watching him thinking its so funny because she thought he would help her shop, but instead he's trying to pick up chicks. She finds it ridiculously funny and tells us, “only her 67 year old dad would hit on a 20 something pregnant woman”. She gets to the cashier and has a conversation with her about how she was a cashier when she was younger. The stores back then didn't have the machines used now so she would use her own fingers.

Donnie leaves work on his own break and grabs Evan lunch. Now he has to get the lunch to Evan and then be back to work himself before he is late.

Jenny is home now and prepping the chickens with her mom on face-time on the Mac. Jenny starts pretending the chickens are having conversations and shes the voices. Her mom tells her that she has to put the cans up the can of the chicken. Jenny finished the prep and turns the chickens towards her mom. She asks, “How do my breasts look?” That was so corny that it was funny! She turns on the grill to cook the chicken, but she never has turned on a grill before. With her mom coaching her she gets the propane turned on. Jenny smiles and says, “Move over Rachael Ray”.

Donnie finished work at the set. Now he has to grab Evan and take him home from school in one piece so he can show Jenny that he can be counted on to take care of his step son. Donnie had found a spot in front of the school again. As he is coming out of the school with Evan they see an officer giving him a ticket for where he parked. Donnie tries to plead his way out of the ticket. He realizes now why he found a spot so close to the school. There was a hydrant near the spot, but because Donnie was rushing he didn't realize it. The situation is so funny because he keeps trying to get out of the ticket. He tells her that he plays a cop on TV. It doesn't help his case. Evan steps up and tries to plead his step dads case. Donnie tells us, “I may not have been at my parental best on this day, but to see Evan step up for me. That was pretty cool.”

They make it home. Donnie speaks of how this step father and step son bond is really starting to grow into something he would dream of. They pull into the driveway. Macky comes outside and takes Evan because Jenny wants him to take Evan for ice cream. Its obviously so Donnie and Jenny can be alone.

As Donnie is walking in the house saying,”We survived. Your sons alive.” He sees candles lit, a bottle of wine and Jenny standing by the table looking stunning. She placed red rose petals all around the table and on it. She feels that nobody has ever stepped in like Donnie and did what he did. She is so grateful. Donnie tells her she didn't have to. Of course she tells him that she did. She shows him the chicken and asks if he loves it. He tells her that he loves her. As they sit at the table eating, Donnie says to his wife, “This is us right here. I used a fork and a knife. You eat like a caveman.”

She sits on his lap and proclaims her love to him. They talk about Evan and she tells Donnie that he makes Evan feel safe. He tells her that they are now his life. Then Jenny gets sexual and she says, “I wanna rip you apart with that chicken.” He says, “How much time do we have?” She starts telling him, “enough time to shove a beer can…” and Donnie says, “Noooo.” She gets real and tells him they have two hours or so. He picks her up and carries her upstairs as they keep saying, “I love you” to each other.

They are laying in bed. Donnie says, “I love you so much. I want you to grind me up in a meat grinder and put me in Lumpy’s bowl and feed me to Lumpy. When he craps around the house, I will be in every single pile of crap and when you come clean it up and you look at it before you flush it down the toilet. You will see my face and you'll say oh my god, I love you”. Then Jenny says, “ I love you so much that I wanna pull your eyeballs out of your head and put them in ice cube trays, freeze them and then find some fish hooks and stick them in the ice cubes and wear them as earrings.” They are both hysterically laughing and in love as the show closes.

image courtesy of Kamil Krzaczynski/