Friday’s Glee episode brought Rachel and Kurt together teaching the new crew with a little help from some of their chum alums. Brittany, Santana, Quinn, Puck and Tina stayed another week to help out.
Kurt and Rachel tag team on a mash-up theme for the class to pair off to sing Carole King songs from the album
My Little Tapestry and Alanis Morissette songs from the album Jagged Little Pill.
The episode was not only about doing the mash-ups, but to show how the truth is always best ,yet does not come easy for most of our favorite characters.

Beckys web of lies: Lets start with Becky who is dating a guy who doesn’t have Down Syndrome like herself. Becky never experienced the attention from such a handsome guy so she lied to him hoping to impress him. She told him she was in Glee club amongst other lies. Did you ask yourself why Becky and the alums are even at the school like I did? This left me confused. Anyhow, Becky brought him to visit and wanted to keep the lie going by asking the crew if they would allow her to sit in to sing with them. Quinn, Brittany, Santana and Tina try to talk her into telling him the truth which she wasn’t ready for so they were willing to help her anyway they can. Of course Becky sitting in to sing was a bust which left her running out of the Glee club panicked. In the end, Becky is honest with him. He voices that he likes her for her and is ok with who she really is. Aww, could Becky have found love!

Image via Instagram from >Naya Rivera

Santana’s proposal: Santana proposes to Brittany in front of everyone in Glee club which happens to be a very adorable proposal from the Latina vixen. All were smiles until the now jaded Kurt objects to the proposal. Kurt tells them they are too young to get married comparing their relationship to his and his now ex Blaine. He feels that Blaine and he are not getting married because they are too young which led to problems with the relationship. Santana confronts him in the school hall to remind him that age was not the only factor for the downfall of our favorite gay male couple on Glee. From Santana’s lips to our ears she voices nine reasons why Blaine does not want Kurt to be his husband which is the episodes epic moment. It was a long winded, Kurt Hummel take down, but it was truly funny. You have to watch it to get the full effect. I will just tell you three of the nine I found funniest.
1-Kurt equates cooking mac n cheese with being “at the apex of the gay rights movement”.
2-Kurt drapes himself on every piano he passes, “entertaining no one”.
3-Kurt is a ”sexless, self-centered baton twirler’ with three dance moves.
Though it was hysterical to watch Santana tear him down being the bitch we know and love, we still feel bad for Kurt especially with the Klaine flashbacks.
Santana was not the only funny one this episode. It has been a minute since we seen Brittany. Look out for a few of her one liners that make you giggle. Especially in scenes with Tina and Kurt.

Beiste/The touching monologue that comes from Beiste when finally telling the truth about why she has been taking days off, popping pills and having an attitude with the wrong people especially students made me tear. When Sue approached her, Beiste originally lied telling Sue that she had cancer. She didn’t know what to say and she was afraid of losing her job. Minutes after saying she had cancer, she spills the truth that she has gender dysphoria aka gender identity disorder. She was lying to cover up the fact that she is becoming a man. She explains to Sam and Sue in that touching monologue that having gender identity disorder means that she has the wrong body parts on the outside to match what she feels on the inside. She explains that she still likes men, but she feels she is supposed to be a man. Sam then assumes she would be a gay man. She shrugs her shoulders in agreement and says. “this isn’t about who I sleep with at night, its about who I’m going to sleep at night as and being happy with myself”. Sue was very supportive of her becoming a him and assured the job be there for him when he comes back.
The episode was refreshing and so far this season has been pretty good compared to previous episodes of last season. The mash-ups were great. That's what you missed on Glee

What did you think of this weeks episode? How delightful was Santana’s rebuttal to Lady Hummels Debbie Downer attitude? How do you think the show handled gender identity disorder? Also, a person with Down Syndrome dating someone who doesn’t have it? Which was the funniest Brittany moment? Which mash-up was your favorite?