Jessica Chastain accepted the MVP Award at the Critics Choice Movie Awards on Thursday night and she addressed the lack of diversity in the film industry, which the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite was all about earlier that day.

The 2015 Oscars have been dubbed the “whitest” since 1998 because of the Academy failing to recognize any African American actors in the men and women’s categories. David Oyelowo was believed to get a Best Actor nod for his work in Selma.

USA Today reports Chastain didn’t address anything or anyone directly, but did quote Martin Luther King Jr. on his birthday.

She said his birthday "got me thinking about our need to build the strength of diversity in our industry.”

Chastain added, “I can't help but feel hopeful about the future of film -- especially looking at all these beautiful people in this room. Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.' And I would like to encourage everyone in this room to please speak up."

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