Michael Moore caused an uproar when he called snipers “cowards” last week and he’s now igniting another fire with a second set of comments on American Sniper and those who have criticized him for not supporting our troops.

His first comment did not go over so well, so he penned a lengthy note on his Facebook page titled, “My 12 Years of Support for the Troops.”

In the post, he claims he supports our veterans more than the “bloviators on Fox News” does, reinforcing his anti-war position and slamming those who support the war to begin with.

“Well, who would know better about hating our troops than those who supported sending them into a senseless war Iraq in the first place?” he wrote.

Rolling Stone reports he goes on to list all of the ways he supports our veterans, including only hiring “Navy SEALS and ex-special forces” for his security detail, refuses to hire vendors who won’t hire veterans, he’s on the Advisory Board of the Pvt. Bradley (Chelsea) Manning Support Network and he doesn’t charge active military and their families when they go to his movie theaters in Michigan.

“So, Fox News and the other lazy media -- quit making shit up about me! You look ridiculous,” again using the “coward” word, ending with “Only cowards have to lie. Be brave. Report the truth. It will feel good.”

image via INFphoto.com