Yolanda Foster of Bravo’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fame is revealing just how serious her battle with Lyme disease has been since getting diagnosed three years ago.

The mother of models Gigi and Bella Hadid and son Anwar Hadid with ex-husband Mohammad Hadid is now married to Grammy-winning musician David Foster.

In a blog post for Bravo, she wrote the disease has taken away her "ability to read, write, or even watch TV."

She recovered for a short while before relapsing in December and she admitted she has “not been able to find my way back."

“It feels like someone came in and confiscated my brain and tied my hands behind my back to just watch and see life go by without me participating in it,” she wrote.

Foster, 51, has been documenting her journey to find a cure for this sometimes debilitating disease. She’s currently in Singapore exploring alternatives to Western medicine and has been looking for a more holistic approach.

“I guess God gives his hardest battles to the strongest soldiers #MyHealthJourney #SearchForACure#NeuroLogicalLymeDisease,” she wrote.

image via Instagram from Yolanda Foster

image via Roger Wong/INFphoto.com