Dustin Diamond, the actor who played Screech on Saved by the Bell, will have to stand trial for an incident on Christmas Day, in which he allegedly stabbed a man at a Wisconsin bar while defending his fiancee.

Diamond was arrested early on Dec. 26 after being involved in a bar fight on Christmas night. He appeared in court on Dec. 29 and told police that it was an accident.

During another hearing on Monday, an Ozaukee County judge ruled that there was enough evidence to continue the case and take it to trial, reports The Associated Press.

Diamond, 37, has been charged with felony reckless endangerment, along with two misdemeanors.

The incident happened at a Port Washington bar. Amanda Shultz, Diamond’s fiancee, claimed that a woman was insulting her and she pushed the woman. It then got physical and two men held Shultz back by her hair, Diamond told police. During the fight, Diamond allegedly stabbed a man, whose injuries were not serious.

Police officer Ryan Hurda was the one witness at Monday’s hearing, saying that the victim’s brother did hear a knife snap open. However, the brother told Hurda that he didn’t actually see Diamond stab a man and the video from the bar didn’t make it clear what happened. However, Hurda said that it was easy to see that Diamond had something in his hand.

Diamond is out on $10,000 bond and can temporarily leave Wisconsin to keep working as a comedian.

image courtesy of Roger Wong/INFphoto.com