Callie says she does not want to see her half sister, Sophia anymore after she tore up her adoption papers. The court says Callie must see Robert Quinn, her birth father, at least once a week. Callie said fine, but it wont be at his house and she will only see him. Sophia visits Callie at work and tells her she will kill herself is Callie doesn't forgive her. Callie thinks she is bluffing and says she will never forgive her. Sophia walks into traffic and some cars get into an accident to avoid hitting her. Callie calls Sophia's parents and tells them Sophia is suicidal. Sophia tells her parents it is too hard and she just cannot do it anymore.

Jesus secretly drops by his birth mothers AA meeting and finds out that she is pregnant.

Mariana has a dance competition and qualifies to go on to the next level. She drops the team and starts her own team with a fellow dance team member who has been teaching her to dance better.

Brandon gets into an elite summer program for music but does not tell his moms. Callie overhears but is promised not to tell Steph and Lena. She promises Brandon she won't tell them. Brandon decides he would rather tour with his band during the summer. Callie asks Brandon if he and Lou are dating. Brandon says yes, but it shouldn't matter to Callie because she does not know what she wants. She only wants Brandon when she needs help and is in a bad place, and he says he will always love her but he just cannot be with her.

Lena gets her vice principal job back and calls in Connor, Connors father, and Jude to discuss what happened in the tent during the school trip. Jude tells everyone that they had some girls over in the tent and kissed each other. Connors father looks relieved. Alone in the school hallway Connor tells Jude he cannot be his friend if he is going to be a little Bitch and tell his moms about everything he does.