Last week: Candace finally gets to return the favor on Jim, Benny gets upset and heads to Jeffrey's house to look for Candace and Veronica confronts Maggie with her fists.

Veronica continues to slap around Maggie. When David finally calms her down, Maggie tries to apologize but Veronica won't listen and ends up throwing a vase at Maggie. Eventually, hotel security knocks on the door and everyone freezes.

When Veronica opens the door, she pretends that the noise from from her lovemaking with David and the security leaves.

David tries to tell her that he did not sleep with Maggie, but she doesn't believe him because his shirt is unbuttoned and his pants are unzipped. He tells her he's coming home and she says "I dare you" and leaves.

Candace is with Jim and looks at the photos she took. She tells him to sign the papers again but he still refuses. He tells her he cannot give her the money because of the gift tax. She tells him that she knows about the gift tax, but she doesn't want $2 million, she wants $7.5 million so that she'll still end up with $5 million after the gift tax.

Jim still refuses to sign so Candace attaches some jumper cables to his metal chair and charges it up. She asks him to sign again and he says no, so she electrocutes him. He keeps refusing to sign the papers and she keeps electrocuting him. When Jim finally says "Candace, please," she reminds him about when he had her kidnapped and scared. He finally agrees to sign it, but she doesn't let him. She decides he'll sign them when she's ready to sign it. She leaves and War is there to continue to electrocute him.

Jeffrey wakes up to knocking on his door. he thinks it's the man that Candace sent but we see that it's Benny. He kisses him and gets punched by Benny. He still doesn't know that Benny is Candace's brother until he asks for his sister. Jeffrey tells him that he doesn't know where she is and calls her on his phone. Candace tells Benny that she is with Warlock and that she's safe. Benny speaks to Warlock and tells her not to let her out of his sight. He tells Candace that Jeffrey tried to kiss him and she tries to talk to Jeffrey but he hangs up on her. Benny leaves and tells Jeffrey to call him if anyone comes to look for Candace.

Celine shows up at the Cryer house. She sees Wyatt in Jim's office asleep. She wakes him up and he asks why she works there. She finds the bottle of alcohol that Wyatt finished. She tries to tell him to get up but he pulls her onto the couch and kisses her. She tells him that when he grows up, then he can come see her. Wyatt reveals that he knows about her affair with Jim and she struggles to get him off of her.

He then reads her the messages she sent to Jim while holding her down. Then Wyatt reads Candace's name and Celine finds out they were sleeping together. He sees Celine is angry and tells her that Jim isn't there. He then compliments Celine's body and tells her to get him a drink.

Hanna is home and goes into her room to get her wig. Michael wakes up and after realizing the time, he offers to help clean up. Hanna tells him to go home instead. He asks to brush his teeth and she talks about Benny and the party. When Michael comes out of the bathroom, he starts kissing her but she tells him to stop. She admits to being attracted to him but eventually gives in.

Veronica shows up at Jeffrey's apartment and lets herself in. She tells him that David is having an affair with Maggie. She then blames Jeffrey and his homosexuality for her problems with David. Jeffrey cannot believe what she is saying. Candace shows up and asks Jeffrey why she is there. She tells Veronica that she is staying there with him.

Veronica starts talking to Candace about money and the fact that she doesn't know what to do with money, and tells her she's nothing more than a low class streetwalker. Veronica threatens Jeffrey with the car and he tries to tell Candace to leave but she refuses. Veronica then tells her to stay and asks how long she will be there. Veronica leaves and calls Quincy to tell him where Candace is but tells him not to hurt Jeffrey. She tells him he can rough him up a little bit but not to hurt him.

Hanna is still home with Michael and she worries if Benny walks in, but then forgets about it.

Next week: David and Maggie are wondering about where Jim is, Hanna goes back to work, Jim may get Candace back and will we finally know who got shot?

image courtesy of Peter West/ACE/