The Flash returned tonight with Barry going through inner turmoil not only after his relationship with Iris became tense upon her learning of his feelings for her, but also dealing with the man who killed his mom. Barry has been using his time to gain more speed and as this is happening, Captain Cold makes a reappearance to fight our favorite hero. He is determined to make sure Flash is known to the world and he does by going after someone he holds dear.

Meanwhile, Mick Rory is an arsonist who works with Captain Cold and has his own weapon that can go to temperatures reaching absolute hot. Barry doesn’t want to focus on Captain Cold because he’s not ready, but events in this episode cause him to change his mind, as he is determined to make things right, even if it means his superhero identity will be known.

As all this is going on, Iris gets ready to move in with Eddie while we still don’t know what she thinks of Barry’s confession. Plus, Caitlin looks for more information on what is going on with Ronnie as Cisco tries to help the police prepare for Captain Cold.

With so many twists, turns, revelations, and shocking moments, The Flash continues to show us an amazing world full of action, adventure, love, and family. What was your favorite part of the episode “Revenge of the Rogues?”

Image courtesy of Kristin Callahan/ACE/

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10. Snart is back

The police find evidence at a car warehouse that indicates the glass was frozen in order to break it. Barry knows this means Snart is back and he is conflicted since he is still trying to get fast enough to go against Reverse Flash and wants to focus on being ready.

Image via Facebook from The Flash

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9. Snart’s partner

Snart gets a new partner, who Cisco calls Heat Wave, in this episode in an effort to draw out Flash. Instead of using a cold weapon, this new partner has a heated flamethrower weapon that ends up causing injury to two officers after police try and stop the two men. Because Barry didn’t show up, they escape. After he finds Joe and makes sure he is okay, Barry assures him he will stop them.

Image via Facebook from The Flash

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8. Tension

There is noticeable tension between Iris and Barry ever since his confession that he loved her. Joe notices one day as Iris is preparing to move out and Barry tells him what happened. Barry knows he has to accept how things are now and Joe is understanding. He also has Barry use his super speed to clean up the mess Iris made. In the end, Iris and Barry have a moment where he assures her their friendship will flourish in the future and she is looking forward to it. Before she leaves, she takes a photo of herself and Barry with her.

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7. Priorities

Barry goes to talk to Joe about the situation with Captain Cold and his feelings regarding Reverse Flash. He tells Joe he needs to take a step back from the case so he can work on his speed and get fast enough to defeat Reverse Flash. He tells Joe he needs to focus on priorities.

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6. Barry and Caitlin

Barry and Caitlin have a nice talk where Barry admits he isn’t sure how his friendship with Iris will work out. Caitlin assures him that they will find their way and she remembers how her life changed from a routine after she met Ronnie. Barry also helps her figure out that Ronnie’s comment about Firestorm to her was in reference to transmutation research that could be connected to what happened to him.

Image via Twitter from Zap2it

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5. Cisco’s demonstration

Cisco and Wells go to the police station where they demonstrate a device Cisco made to withstand freezing cold temperatures. He uses the experiment on a dummy, but the police chief is concerned about putting his actual officers in danger.

Image via Facebook from The Flash

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4. Caitlin is kidnapped

In an effort to draw out the Flash, Snart kidnaps Caitlin as she is leaving from a meeting with the person who wrote the paper on Firestorm. He had told Caitlin that his co-author, Martin Stein, had disappeared after the army confiscated their research.

Image via Facebook from The Flash

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3. Find her

As soon as Barry finds out Caitlin has been kidnapped, he is determined to find her. Captain Cold announces on television that Flash is real and he better show himself to the world or she will die, even as Caitlin yells at Flash on the screen not to come for her. Barry, however, is ready to go after them, especially since Cisco came up with an idea on how they could use the Cold and Rory’s weapons against each other.

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2. Slower

Barry is having a hard time getting Captain Cold and Mick to cross their weapons in order to cancel out the heat and cold. After multiple runs, he talks to Wells, who suggests they stop trying to use speed and go slow. Barry does this and as both weapons hit him, they both eventually become overwhelmed and cause the bad guys to be thrown to the ground. Flash prevents Cold from getting his weapon so Eddie can come make the arrest. Meanwhile as this goes on, Cisco and Joe rescue Caitlin.

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1. Prison break

While Joe and Barry are enjoying some down time as Barry decides to move back in with his surrogate father, we see Rory and Snart inside a prison truck being moved. Rory is not happy at all but Snart remains calm- until we see a flash as someone causes the truck to shake. The door opens and while we don’t see the person’s face, Snart greets them saying, “Hey sis.”