A celebration is never complete without music. This year, celebrate the Chinese New Year with songs from the Chinese music "hit list."
Even Miss China 2015, pictured here in her traditional costume, enjoys listening to music. So what might she listen to? Sina, an online news source lists songs by various categories, including by radio play, hit list (like the top 40), and genre based. We will look at the top ten hit list, but will also take a look at the number one song on the radio play list, which is the theme song to a highly anticipated drama due out this month.
Many of the songs listed here do not have videos to accompany them, and some do not have photos or artist bio information. Regardless, the list is from the Chinese website music.sina.com.cn and an audio version for each is included from a compiled playlist. Please enjoy these songs as you immerse yourself in Chinese culture at this festive time of year.
Image courtesy of INFphoto.com