Month: February 2015

Chris Howcroft February 17, 2015

The episode begins with Bruce asleep on the couch and we see he has fallen…

Will Ashton February 17, 2015

There's a danger when you make a show like Togetherness, one which breeds itself on…

Chris Howcroft February 17, 2015

Abbie and Ichabod are at a book store searching for rare books but are so…

Marie Blake February 17, 2015

Singer Ed Sheeran and actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt are celebrating their birthdays today. Ed Sheeran, 24…

Elizabeth Learned February 17, 2015

CSI’s first of two episodes on Sunday began with sisters Cara and Lexi walking through…

Elizabeth Learned February 17, 2015

Jane The Virgin begins with a flashback showing Rafael and Jane in two very different…

Marc Regen February 17, 2015

R5, a pop band that was formed in 2009 in Los Angeles, CA, released a…

Elizabeth Learned February 17, 2015

Last week’s episode of Blue Bloods featured an appearance by Glee actor Max Adler in…

Carissa Shuman February 17, 2015

Who wants to be a millionaire? Just about everyone would answer yes to that question,…