On this week's episode of Chasing Life, April feels that her friendship with Beth is threatened because of Natalie, Brenna faces bullying at school, and Leo struggles to envision his future.

The episode picks up right where last week's left off when Beth is shocked to see Dominic and Natalie kissing and moves in to break them up. She doesn't want them getting together, because it could make things weird for April. When Beth leaves the pair to get a table with Graham, Dominic and Natalie share an awkward goodbye.

The next morning, Natalie stops by the Carver house to do laundry and confesses that she kissed Dominic as a way to get her former bar beau off her back. Natalie says she didn't know who Dominic was until Beth told her. April doesn't respond, but looks visibly stunned.

At work, April and Dominic have a weird exchange in the elevator. April congratulates Dominic on a job well done on their article and also lets him know she's heard about his kiss with Natalie.

Meanwhile, Sara and Brenna discuss Brenna's upcoming school year and Brenna brings up her mom missing George.

Later that night, April questions why Beth didn't tell her about Natalie and Dominic sooner. Beth says she was planning on telling April and the friends share a quiet night in. Beth and April were out at a club earlier, but had to come home, because April's cancer was taking a toll on her.

When Beth returns to her apartment, Natalie has borrowed her earrings. Natalie asks why Beth didn't go clubbing with April. Beth says that they were out earlier, but the line was long and it was cold, so she didn't want April to be outside for too long. Hearing Beth's slight disappointment, Natalie asks Beth to go dancing, and Beth agrees, realizing how much her life has changed since April's gotten sick.

The next morning, Sara and Brenna laugh about online pictures of Emma at a class reunion in New York and April tells her mom about her plans with Leo. She wants them to meet, so they can get to know each other. Sara leaves to go to work and Brenna continues to scroll through social media, catching mean Internet memes referring to her situation with Greer. Similarly, April finds a picture of Beth and Natalie out dancing the night before.

Before April leaves for her lunch date with Leo and her mom, she talks to Beth. Beth isn't entirely truthful about how she spent the rest of her night.

At school, Brenna some of her fellow female classmates laughing behind her back. When Brenna accuses Ford of making the Internet memes to humiliate her in health class, Ford denies it.

Meanwhile, April and her Mom wait for Leo. Sara is frazzled, having just seen two of her most difficult patients. When April asks if Sara is more on edge now that George has left, Sara diverts the question. Leo shows up a few moments later and he and Sara make small talk. Leo expresses concern about not having a job and Sara offers him some of her therapist insight.

Later, April and Leo return to support group. When a new member named, Sophie joins the group and laments broken friendships, April visibly starts to question her relationship with Beth.

Back at school, Brenna and Greer get into a fight after a fellow classmate named, Shelby continues to spark trouble and references the Internet memes. Brenna calls Greer shallow for not standing up for either of them.

Meanwhile, April and Leo discuss their new cancer support group member, Sophie. Leo also says he got a job, which makes April happy. They're at the hospital waiting to have tests done.

Simultaneously, Brenna cuts school after the bullying becomes too difficult to handle, much to Sara's chagrin.

April and Beth do happy hour at The Charles and Natalie joins them, letting slip that she and Beth went dancing the previous night. April brushes it off, going to extremes to prove that her cancer won't interfere with her social life.

At work, April is exhausted from having stayed out so late the night before. When Danny and April discuss an upcoming housewarming party at Natalie and Beth's place, Dominic interjects, saying he's looking forward to it. April lets him know that Leo will also be there.

April gets ready to go to the party and is still exhausted. Sara thinks April should stay home, but April insists on going out. Simultaneously, Ford shows up looking for Brenna. She wants them to temporarily team up and get revenge on mean girl, Shelby.

At the party, April feels left out of all Beth and Natalie's fun. She gets a phone call from Leo, who will be running late. Meanwhile, Leo gets frustrated at work when his memory isn't functioning properly and takes his frustrations out on an unknowing customer.

Back at the party, April sings karaoke while drunk. Once April finishes singing, Natalie suggests she and Beth have a "roomie duet," which seems to hurt April's feelings.

Back at the Carver house, Brenna and Ford continue to plot revenge on Shelby and admit they miss being friends with each other.

At the party, April is so drunk she's embarrassing herself, so Beth pulls her aside to talk. April makes it clear she's not happy that Beth has been spending so much time with Natalie and a fight ensues.

The next day, Brenna and Ford's plan to get revenge on Shelby comes to fruition in health class.

Meanwhile, Leo and a hungover April share breakfast. When April leaves to meet up with Beth and salvage their friendship, Leo seeks Sara's advice about what he should do with the rest of his life career-wise.

Greer intrudes on Brenna and Ford's conversation at school to let Brenna know that she forced Shelby to take down the hate site she made. Greer tells Brenna she's skipping class to get food and invites Brenna to come, though Brenna politely declines.

At the park, April and Beth try to patch up their friendship. April admits she's scared of missing out on her twenties and that she thinks Beth's replacing her with Natalie. Beth reassures April that their friendship is solid and everything will be okay.

Chasing Life airs every Monday at 9 p.m. on ABC Family.

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