Just hours before his scheduled show in Canada, Chris Brown was denied entry into the country. Instead of going off on an anger-fueled Twitter rant about it, he was respectful in delivering the bad news to his Canadian fans.
He was supposed to perform in Montreal on Tuesday night, then stay in Canada to perform in Toronto on Wednesday night.
Brown has a colorful legal past, including still being on probation for his 2009 assault against then-girlfriend Rihanna. According to Canadian law, if ever convicted of assault, anyone trying to gain entry into the country is "criminally inadmissible,” TMZ reports.
"The good people of the Canadian government wouldn't allow me entry. I'll be back this summer and will hopefully see all my Canadian fans!" Brown tweeted when he was turned away, which he has since deleted.
Though his assault conviction was six years ago, his probation was revoked last month. The judge brought up several concerns and he has another court date set for March 20.
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