There comes a time in a mans life when he needs to worry about the possibilities of prostate cancer. These times call for proactive measures. Donnie Wahlberg must become aware of this topic in episode 4 of Donnie Loves Jenny.

Macky has to go for his annual prostate exam. The episode focuses mostly on the fact that Macky is very self-aware regarding the prostate issues of a man his age. This obviously includes very unfortunate annual visits to the doctor to get tested for prostate cancer.

Donnie is at the age where you would want to make yourself aware and start keeping yourself on top of it so you don’t get hit with the potential life altering moment when faced with such a scare.

Donnie states that Wahlbergs do not go to the hospital. They never go to the hospital. They are born there and they don’t go back ever.

This happens to scare Jenny very much because she obviously wants him to live a long life. She jokes through the episode about sticking a finger up his butt. Donnie agrees to take the test due to love. Although, one might wonder if the dreaded finger nudged him at all.

Danny Wood made an appearance this episode when Donnie and his friends met up. They had their bonding time and talked about the fact that Donnie isn’t alone anymore. He has to think of the future. He has to think of his family now. He has a wife now that cares about his well being and their future together. Eventually Donnie gets checked right after Macky. They both have a clean bill of health. He pleased his wife which makes Jenny very happy.

At the end of the show, they say their now traditional, “I love you so much!” statements. She speaks of cutting off the doctors finger who examined his butt and having it bronzed. He also tells her that he loves her so much that he would have a finger stuck up his butt and then giggles while he says, “Oh wait, I already did that because I love you so much!”

Seems crazy right? After all, this is Donnie Loves Jenny.

What was your favorite part of this episode? Stay tuned for more Donnie loves Jenny!

image courtesy of Kristin Callahan/