Geraldo Rivera, NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice runner-up, has made some controversial comments regarding racism and the hip-hop culture.
During an interview with HuffPost Live, Rivera claimed the hip-hop culture has “done more damage” to the African American and Spanish community in the past decade than racism has.
"Hip-hop has done more damage to black and brown people than racism in the last 10 years," he asserted.
He continued to try and make his point ask to find "a youngster -- a Puerto Rican from the South Bronx or a black kid from Harlem who has succeeded in life other than being the one-tenth of one-tenth of one percent that make it in the music business -- that's been a success in life walking around with his pants around his ass and with visible tattoos."
Rivera went on to cite people like Russell Simmons and other powerful men in the hip-hop industry for instigating this.
He urged them to “cop to the fact that by encouraging this distinctive culture that is removed from the mainstream, they have encouraged people to be so different from the mainstream that they can't participate other than, you know, the racks in the garment center and those entry-level jobs.”
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