The episode opens on a young couple trying to find a Taco Town with their phone GPS. Except this GPS has a mind of it’s own, taking them where it wants and even yelling at the girl to get out of the truck before locking the man in the truck and driving him off a bridge. Back in the bunker, Sam tells Dean Cas is close to finding Cain, but Dean is more worried about a case he found. So the two brothers head down to the college campus to investigate.

Sam and Dean interview the deceased’s guy’s girlfriend. She tells them that the truck Billy, the dead boy, drove was his brother’s and the two never really got along. After his brother passed Billy continued to drive his truck. So the Winchester’s go off in search of the truck to salt and burn it, thinking that the brother is somehow tethered to it.

While the boy’s are setting the truck on flames, a sorority girl is answering random instant messages from “PrincessElsa8” who keeps repeating “810” over and over again. THe sorority girl freaks out and tries to leave the room but before she can her computer power cord strangles her.

At the crime scene, the boys confiscate the girl’s laptop to try and get to the bottom of what is going on. Sam is going through the girl’s deleted files, telling Dean that nothing is ever really deleted from the internet. Here is where he uncovers the messages, and they decide that 810 is probably linked to an address. So at the first address they show up to they meet a widow whose husband was killed in a car accident almost a year ago. Turns out the two dead teens, and two other teens were responsible for it.

Later that night, Delilah, friend of the two dead college students, is freaking out to her other friend Kyle about the deaths and begging him to come forward and admit what they did. He doesn’t want to and says to let it go. When Delilah leaves, Kyle gets locked in his dorm room and his speakers turn so loud that his brain looks like it explodes and kills him.

So Sam and Dean meet up with Delilah, who tells them the whole story about what happened the night the husband, Andrew, died in the car accident. They could’ve helped saved him, but were too worried about getting in trouble to help.

So Andrew is out to get Delilah now, but luckily the Winchesters are there to help protect her. Sam goes to investigates the accident site while Dean keeps an eye on Delilah in case Andrew’s ghost tries to kill her. And at the crash site, Sam discovers that the tower Andrew crashed in to was connected to a WiFi tower and that is how he has been moving around from place to place.

Dean takes Delilah to the sorority basement where there is awful WiFi signal and Sam goes to talk to Andrew’s widow, who already knows about her husband being a ghost and killing people.

But someone left their cellphone in the couch cushions in the basement, so while Sam is talking with the widow, who has been conversing with her husband since shortly after the accident, Dean is busy fighting off her husband’s ghost.

Dean texts Sam ‘911’ from the cell phone they found and Sam has the widow FaceTime with Andrew’s ghost and convinces him to let go and cross over.

To end the episode, Delilah goes to the widow to formally apologize for what happened to her husband. This gives the boys time to have a heart-to-heart in the Impala and hash out feelings about the Mark. Dean’s tired of looking for a solution to the problem, and tires of the false hope that they can somehow fix it. For now Dean says, “I’m going to fight it until I can’t fight it anymore. When all is said and done, I’ll go down swinging.”

For a sneak peek at next week’s episode, check out the clip below:

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