A major problem in society today is bullying. It is certainly not a new problem, but one that has been highlighted recently through social media and our present day 24 hour news cycle.

Many young people are having to deal with ridicule, embarrassment and even violence from bullies every day and it needs to be stopped.

Bullying can be done in person, or nowadays through cyberspace, and far too often the consequences for the victims becomes too much to take.

For some, just hearing “it gets better” isn’t enough. They need to know that they are not alone in what they’re going through and that it really does get better. The proof is in the stories shared by several of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Growing up was not a piece of cake for them either and they too had to survive harassment and in a few cases, actual beatings.

Just in time for National Stop Bullying Day on February 9th, TheCelebrityCafe.com is counting down the Top 10 celebrities who admitted that they were bullied and shared their stories with the world.

image via INFphoto.com

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