If you never knew pancake day was an actual holiday, now you know. Pancake day, or Shrove Tuesday, is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday and marks the last day before Lent. It is known as Pancake Day in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Ireland.
Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday") are celebrations of rich and hearty eats before Lent. Most countries use this day to consume pancakes because they are trying to use up their milk, eggs and sugar before the Lenten season where no meat, dairy products or eggs can be eaten.
In the United States, pancakes are eaten at a high volume. Pancake eating contests are even held throughout different Polish communities around the country. There are even Pancake Races held in various parts of the world as well as tossing and flipping contests.
In honor of Pancake Day, here are some great and tasty pancake recipes for you to enjoy today, or even all year round.
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10. Whole Wheat Pancakes
For those looking for a healthier pancake, here's a whole wheat recipe that is surprisingly tasty and filling. Adding some fruit and light syrup will also add some great taste.
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9. Strawberry Pancakes
One of the more popular pancake toppings are strawberries. Their sweet and tangy taste is a great opposite to the fluffy cake.
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8. Cinnamon Pancakes
Cinnamon can be used as a topping for pancakes, but it's even more enjoyable when it's mixed into the batter and topped with some whipped cream.
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7. Crepes
Yes, crepes are French pancakes, but there's no discrimination here. They are great when combined with cream and fruit, or even bananas and chocolate, like in this recipe here.
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6. Banana Pancakes
One of my favorite fruits to add to the batter or just use as a topping are bananas. They provide a different texture and are just naturally tasty in pancakes.
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5. Traditional Pancakes
Sometimes you just want a good ol' fashioned pancakes and there's nothing wrong with going the traditional route.
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4. Blueberry Pancakes
One of the more popular pancakes are blueberry pancakes. Whether you add the fruit in the batter or use it as a topping along with some blueberry syrup, it is guaranteed greatness.
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3. Chocolate Chips Pancakes
Whether you're a kid or an adult, you can never go wrong with chocolate chip pancakes topped with some syrup and whipped cream. One of my favorites.
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2. Buttermilk Pancakes
Adding buttermilk instead of regular milk makes the pancakes a little more fluffier and a lot more tasty.
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1. Bacon Pancakes
Just because everything's better with bacon!