The episode begins with Bruce sitting by Alfred in the hospital. Jim asks Alfred if he knows who did this, but Alfred pretends to not see who attacked him. Bruce goes along with it. Alfred tells Bruce he doesn’t sell out his former colleagues. Alfred wants to leave but Bruce forces him to stay.

Fish awakes in a recovery room and finally meets Dr. Dollmarker. The doctor is intrigued by Fish and Fish demands to be his right-hand person. Dollmarker doesn’t agree to anything and says he will see her soon. Fish gets up and pulls off the bandage and sees that a fake blue eye has been inserted in her eye socket.

Jim is talking with Captain Essen and Harvey Dent about the charges against Flass being dropped. It seems that a corrupt Commissioner Loeb is backing Flass when he runs for president of the Policeman’s Union for GCPD. Jim storms out of the office and runs into Flass. Flass tells Jim that he just doesn’t get it and that you can’t put him down.

Jim has a meeting with Commissioner Loeb where he confronts Loeb about the Flass investigation. Loeb shows him shocking footage of Harvey admitting that he presented false evidence against Flass. Jim confronts Harvey about the footage and Harvey says he did what he had to do to keep his job. It sounds like Loeb has “dirt” on many officers in the department. Jim now wants to go after Loeb.

Edward has a brief conversation with Ms. Kringle about Flass and she lets Edward know that she knows there are better men in the world than Flass. Edward smiles and looks relieved.

Jim talks with Dent and they figure out that Loeb has been collecting evidence against cops for years to control the department. Dent promises he is clean and Jim doesn’t reveal to Dent about Harvey. They have a meeting with Loeb’s old partner Griggs and question him about the rumor that Loeb killed his wife. Griggs says Loeb was with him the night his wife died and tells them they should talk with Xi Lu, the Chinese bookkeeper.

Fish tells Dollmarker that she likes her blue eye and Dollmarker tells her about his need for a steady supply of product for his experiments. Fish and Dollmarker loosely agree to a deal, but Dollmarker warns that if Fish doesn’t hold up her end, she will end up a permanent guinea pig of his experiments.

Bruce is reading to Alfred when Selina stops by. She pays her respects and Bruce feels responsible for Alfred’s condition. He is determined to find Reggie and Selina offers her help to Bruce. He refuses and Selina tells him, “You know where to find me.”

Jim and Dent pay Xi Lu a visit at his restaurant. They confront him about Commissioner Loeb and he receives a phone call. He then has his men attack Jim and Dent, causing them to flee outside. They are surrounded by Lu’s men but Harvey arrives at the last minute and rescues them. They now realize that Griggs set them up and that Loeb will know they are after his evidence cash.

Harvey interrogates Griggs by hanging him out of the car. Griggs reveals to them that Loeb and Falcone are working together. Jim and Harvey come to the realization that they are going to go after Loeb and Falcone. Jim says they need someone close to the situation that will talk. They go visit Oswald at this club.

In the basement the prisoners are getting restless waiting for Fish. She returns and promises that she is continuing to negotiate with “the man upstairs.” Some of the prisoners are taken upstairs and Fish says that some have to be sacrificed but she will keep her promise.

Oswald seems very skeptical to talk against Falcone. Jim promises to owe Oswald a favor as well as give him time alone with the files. Oswald agrees to the deal.

They visit the farm where Oswald claims that Loeb’s files are hidden. They meet the old couple that live there and Jim lies about their purpose there…insinuating they are there for a security inspection. They hear noises from the roof and the old couple quickly pull out guns and start shooting at them. Harvey shoots the older man and Jim scares the older woman and she passes out. They find a locked room upstairs and discover the noise was being caused by Miriam Loeb…the Commissioner’s daughter.

Edward brings Ms. Kringle flowers and wants to ask her out on a date. Ms. Kringle reveals her new boyfriend to Edward which upsets him greatly.

Jim and Harvey sit down and talk with Miriam Loeb. They ask why she is being kept in the attic. They also ask if she knows anything about any files or papers. They ask about her mother and all she tells them is that she died. Jim has a theory that Miriam is the witness to Loeb killing his wife, which is the reason why he keeps her locked in the attic. Miriam clearly seems disturbed and they find out that Miriam killed her mother and that her father covered it up. Jim and Harvey go downstairs and find Oswald on the floor. The old couple has fled the house and Oswald wants his time with the files.

Jim visits Loeb in his office and presents him with a skeleton from Miriam’s room. Loeb tries to defend himself and his daughter. Jim gives his reasons for why Loeb is protecting his daughter. Jim doesn’t want Loeb to step down, he now has leverage with Loeb. He wants a fair trial with Flass and wants all the evidence Loeb has against the officers sent to Harvey Dent. Loeb only agrees to turn over Harvey’s file.

In a reluctant move, Loeb publicly backs Jim Gordon for president of the Policeman’s Union. Jim presents Harvey with his file from Loeb. Harvey warns Jim about when and where Oswald will ask for his favor.

Oswald is at his club with the older couple and says he has only one ticket out of town. The old couple fight to the death over who will get the ticket out of Gotham. She kills her husband then Oswald reveals he only had one shell left in his shotgun. He then shoots the woman.

Fish meets with Dollmarker and he is pleased with the open line of supply. Fish is promoted to upper management and Fish looks out the window and sees that she is on an island in the middle of the ocean….

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