On this week's episode of Chasing Life, April learns if her cancer has returned, Sara worries about Brenna's future, and April and Leo reach a turning point in their relationship.

The episode opens where last week's left off, with April, her family, and Dominic at the hospital, where April is freaking out that her cancer may be back. They all try to reassure her everything will be fine. A few minutes later, Dr. Hamburg emerges from her office and lets April know she is still 99 percent cancer free. The nose bleed was probably the result of changing weather or April's stress from work.

Cue opening theme.

Later, at support group, April shares her good news with her friends and a Shauna, fellow member expresses similar sentiments.

Back at the Carver house, Brenna shares her worries about college with Natalie and admits she's talking to Greer again. Sara arrives home shortly after and doesn't seem too thrilled to see Brenna spending time with her half-sister. Sara needs Brenna to focus on a college prep event the Carvers are hosting at their house later.

Back at support group, Leo finally apologizes to April for the drug incident with Richie Miranda. April appears to forgive him and they both admit they miss each other.

Later, at the Carver house, Brenna falls flat in comparison to her classmates, who are more well prepared for college.

Meanwhile, Beth has become so busy with work that Graham is forced to crash her and April's girls' night. When April shares her good news from Dr. Hamburg, Graham is happy for her, but quick to remind her not be overly optimistic. At the same time, April shares news about her encounter with Leo, wondering what it could mean for their "relationship." At the same time, Graham mentions Dominic's upcoming book signing, based on the work he did while touring with Daft Punk.

That night, April tosses and turns, unable to sleep. She calls Dr. Hamburg worried about a bruise she finds on her arm. Dr. Hamburg tells April that she's suffering from anxiety and will have to worry about the possibility of relapsing for the rest of her life. She suggests trying exercise, anti-depressants, and meditation as a way for April to control her condition.

April and Sara go on a walk to help April's anxiety. To take April's mind off of things, Sara confesses she kissed her co-worker and April is shocked at her mom's behavior.

At work, Raquel keeps April in line and asks her to look over a story Danny wrote. She also mentions recent studies about the dangers of microwaves and how they cause cancer, which makes April visibly upset.

Back at the Carver house, Sara expresses her fears about Brenna's future to Emma, then crashes Brenna and Natalie's dinner at The Charles. The night becomes less than thrilling when The Charles sponsors a trivia game and Sara's disappointment with Brenna grows when she continues to show signs of lagging behind her classmates where college is concerned.

Meanwhile, April attends a bat mitzvah for Shauna, a member of her cancer support group and considers becoming more spiritual after hearing how talking with a rabbi upon being diagnosed helped her friend. Following the service, April approaches the rabbi and says she enjoyed what she saw and wants to start to believing in God. April confesses that she went to the chapel while in treatment, but didn't really get much out of it. The rabbi tells April God isn't a quick fix, but rather, more of long-term journey. April spots Shauna after she speaks to the rabbi and she tries to give April a weed cookie to calm her down.

At the Carver house, Brenna lets Sara know that she's aware of Sara being disappointed in her.

Meanwhile, Beth continues to be swamped at work and April panics when her friend, Meg from support group learns her cancer is back. Beth tries to calm April down with little avail and when Beth leaves to use the bathroom, April caves and eats some of the weed cookie Shauna gave her. Later, April and Beth go to Dominic's book signing, where April has second thoughts about attending. She tells Beth she had part of Shauna's weed cookie and Beth tells her to have a little more. Graham finally shows and Beth has to field a call from her boss, which seems to ruin both Graham and April's night. A few moments later, April finds herself alone with Dominic. He's surprised to see her, and she's even more surprised to learn he doesn't have a new girlfriend he's trying to keep secret. Dominic's mother, who was just released from prison, is there, however.

Meanwhile, Leo visits the doctor to try to gain insight into why he's been all over the place emotionally as of late. The doctor tells him he can't do much and he'll probably be on medication for the rest of his life.

Back at the book signing, April gets to know Dominic's mom better. She tells him about her relationship with Dominic, their breakup, and her situation with Leo. April is sure that Dominic still hates her for what happened between them and Dominic's mom says it's time for April to forgive herself and hope that one day Dominic will follow suit. Dominic's mom also gives April a book that helped get her through prison. Later, Dominic finds April and she admits she had too much of the weed cookie she ate. Dominic doesn't want her to go home while high, so he takes her to his apartment. April also apologizes for not always having been so nice to Dominic and he says he forgives her. When April wakes up the next morning, she has a voicemail from Leo; he's going to New York for a couple weeks to clear his head. At the same time, April brushes her teeth and worries when she spits out blood.

Meanwhile, Natalie confronts Sara about Sara's recent digs toward her intelligence and Sara apologizes. Natalie also tells Sara to be more supportive of Brenna.

Later, at support group, Meg informs April that no one has heard from Leo and the train he was boarding to New York crashed, killing several people. April bolts our of support group and frantically tries to call Leo, but she can't reach him. When April returns home, Leo is standing inside her kitchen with Sara and April cries tears of relief. Once April has calmed down, she and Leo talk and Leo says he feels guilty that he keeps surviving when other people keep dying. April comforts him by sharing a line she read in the Buddhist book Dominic's mom gave her. Leo says he's been going through something different recently and he admits April makes him feel a way he's never felt about anyone before.

Meanwhile, Graham asks Beth to move in so they can be together more, since her job has become extra hectic and Sara tries to make peace with Brenna's decisions when she says she wants to delay college for a year to travel.

At the same time, April turns to meditation and Dominic and Natalie meet up at the book store.

Chasing Life airs every Monday at 9 p.m. on ABC Family.

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