Emma Watson had plenty to say to hackers who threatened to expose nude photos of the actress, which she has made clear don’t exist in the first place.

Back in September, hackers created a fake website called Emma You Are Next with a countdown to when they would “leak” naked photos of her. The threat came after she spoke on behalf of women’s rights at the UN.

On International Women’s Day, Watson spoke about the HeForShe campaign at the Facebook headquarters in London about the hoax.

“I knew it was a hoax, I knew the pictures didn’t exist, but I think a lot of people that were close to me knew gender equality was an issue but didn’t think it was that urgent, that it was a thing of the past,” she explained, The Guardian reports.

She admitted she was “raging” with anger at the time.

“Then when they saw that the minute I stood up talking about women’s rights I was immediately threatened, I think they were really shocked, my brother was particularly upset,” she added.

video via Facebook from Emma Watson

image via INFphoto.com