It's St. Patrick Day's, and what better way to celebrate than with a couple drinks? Before you go out for pints, though, Honest Trailers is here to remind moviegoers how great a drinking game 1993's Leprechaun can be if you know what to look out for.

The new video from Screen Junkies looks back on the movie, best remembered for its baffling sequels and Jennifer Aniston's first lead role, headlining a holiday-themed killer that "ranks somewhere between Michael Myers and Jack Frost....Nope, the other Jack Frost." A horror/comedy "that isn't scary or funny," the gang describes it best when they call it "the perfect St. Patrick's Day movie, in that you have to be completely s**tfaced to enjoy it."

Noting all its horror cliches, how it spends 90 minutes "beating the s**t out of respected British actor Warwick Davis" and telling fans to take a shot every time the Leprechaun says who he is, says what he wants, someone doesn't believe it's a leprechaun, it sets back Irish culture decades or sets back little people's rights centuries—which, as someone who has recently seen the movie can attest, is a great sure-fired way to get intoxicated—this is yet another insightful and astute observation of the horror film. There's a lot to like in the trailer.

With the Leprechaun series still alive and well—with the latest installment, Leprechaun: Origins released last year with wrestler Dylan 'Hornswoggle' Postl in the titular role—this is as good of time as any to get to know the horror icon who has gone to the hood, space and back again.

Check out the trailer below:

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