Lena Dunham spoke at PaleyFest on a panel for HBO’s Girls on Sunday and took on her critics about two months after deleting Twitter from her phone.

She spoke on the panel, which was moderated by her Girls co-creator Judd Apatow, saying she does still have Twitter but she’s not the one who handles it anymore.

"It became a little too much,” she said, admitting “it does affect you internally,” Boston Herald reports.

“I was like 'the spelling's so bad, I'm not taking these people seriously; they have eggs for avatars, I don't care!' And you walk through the day and these horrible phrases are being repeated through your head," adding, "There are things that affect me; I'm weird, I'm affected by violence, threats of rape, I'm a mess!"

Dunham also stayed mum about her upcoming role in Scandal, only saying “Their set is a delight.”

She did talk about the sex scenes in her own show, saying “We try to do sex that pushes the characters and is not gratuitous.”

Girls’ fourth season wraps up March 22.

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