Last week, Secrets and Lies left us off with the clue of the blue jacket. This episode opened with Ben and Christy hot and heavy when Christy stopped it saying that she can't.
Ben confronted her asking her what the morning was about when she initiated the intimacy and she responded with the word, “sex,” he stated that wasn't sex. She left the house for work.
While Ben is driving Abby home from school. He seen Matt, the neighborhood kid that has autism. Ben knows he shouldn't be alone so he followed him and told Abby to go home. Matt started running from him. Ben chased him and Matt got nervous so he kept running. He stumbled and a blood stained blue jacket flew out from under his own jacket and Ben noticed it as he was trying to help Matt. He finally caught up to him and Matt’s mom Lisa pulled up at the same time as them getting to their house. Ben asked Lisa about the blue jacket. She told him that it isn't Matty’s and he likes to collect things. She told Ben, “If he took your jacket, I’m sorry. I will replace it.” After Ben left them, he seen that the blue jacket is not on the ground anymore. It’s now gone.
Ben went to see Cornell and told her about the blue jacket. Cornell gave him a hard time because she had told him that she wanted evidence and then he found evidence, but conveniently lost the evidence. She told him to come see her when he can find somebody to collaborate his stories. He told her that he will find it himself.
The neighbor Kevin accused Ben of trying to run neighbors away, first the Rawlins’ and now Lisa. Ben told him that he saved Matt from drowning.
Ben seen Tyler Daly in the woods smoking. Ben is stunned because he thought Tyler was away at school. Tyler told Ben that he's home right now. Tyler asked him not to tell his mom about seeing him smoking.
Ben and Dave were in a conversation when Ben told him about Tyler. Dave told him that Tyler has been in and out of rehabs which was told to him by Natalie. Ben then said it makes sense if Tyler is having cravings to do drugs and he could have killed Tom then that would be how Matty got the bloody blue jacket.Tyler and Matty are Lisa’s sons to bring you up to speed if you hadn't figured that out.
Ben once again was suspicious of Christy’s going out to dinner with a client.
Ben took Abby to a friends’ party when the kids dad came out to tell them the party isn't going on. Ben sent Abby to the car because he knew the dad was lying. Ben asked him what's wrong with him. He told him that he knows there’s kids in there. The dad gave him some kind of bogus story. Ben told him that his daughter shouldn't be punished like that, but he couldn't change the guys mind. He took Abby home.
Ben had a heart to heart with Abby making her understand and feel okay like any decent dad would.
Christy found her car with the word GUILTY marked on the car. Christy had a house viewing and needed the car in an hour. She told him to report it to Cornell or she will. Ben seen cigarette butts by the car. He confronted Tyler’s mom Lisa about him doing the vandalism to the car. Lisa denied it and told him to leave. He went home and Christy was leaving with Cornell there. He offered to take her to work and she told him that the client will be picking her up. Then Cornell and him conversed about Tyler.
Ben asked her if she has confronted Tyler. She told him that the cigarette wasn't tobacco, but it was actually marijuana. Ben told her that he’s been in rehab. He told her that Tyler could have killed Tom and he went into his assumptions. In rebuttal, Cornell told him that he should not jump to conclusions and that she had a case once where the suspect was actually trying to make herself appear to be the victim. She picked up a can of paint and said, “ I can assume this is the can of paint that was used to deface your fence.” Then she picked up paint cleaner and said, “I can assume this is the paint cleaner that was used to vandalize Christy’s car.” She went on to tell him that he should never assume anything. “But maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions either,” she stated.
Ben confronted Natalie about Tyler and asked her what she knows about him. As they were talking, Christy was leaving. She told them the house is closing for the client. Ben offered another ride. She said she’s taking a cab.
Ben came outside the house later on and seen what appeared to be blood in a trail towards his garage. He walked to the garage and opened it. What he found was a plethora of flashlights strategically placed standing up in the garage. As he was standing inside looking around in disbelief, Cornell walked up to the garage and asked what was going on. Ben asked her what she was doing there and she said that he texted her to meet him there. He told her he didn't and she shot him a suspecting look. She said, “ Mr. Crawford, I need you to step outside of the garage. This just turned into a crime scene.”
Later on, Christy was leaving again, but this time in a cab and she apologized that she couldn't stay. He told her that its probably just a prank.
Cornell told Ben that he should watch his back as this incident was planned, calculated and sophisticated where the other incidents were more juvenile.
Christy called him to check on him. He told her that everything was okay. He asked her if she needed a ride. She told him that the client will take her to the shop and that he was off the hook.
Dave and Ben had another conversation where Ben gave him an update and Dave asked him if Tyler was still the going theory. Ben told him that he isn't crazy. Dave told him that he should go right to Matty and talk to him.
As Ben came home, he witnessed Jess in a heated discussion with his daughter, Natalie. Jess flipped out on her for leaving her son with someone else. In the argument, Natalie feels insulted and screamed back at. Natalie felt that Jess was wrong too for sleeping with her father and making a kid with a married man. Ben told Natalie to go inside and asked Jess what was wrong, but she stormed away. Ben apologized to Natalie about having Tom with Jess, but also told her to understand that Jess is human and her son is dead. Natalie asked him why is he constantly saying he's sorry and he said, “When your are an adult you accept responsibility for your mistakes and you own it.”
Ben ran over to Lisa’s house to talk to Matt. As she was trying to keep him out of her house Ben noticed she had a bloody nose. Ben pushed his way into the house to see that the house was a wreck. There were broken lamps and furniture moved. It was a picture of a disheveled room. He ran up the stairs to check on Matt and Tyler. As he rummaged through Matt’s things Matt flipped out. He got violent and knocked Lisa on the floor. Matt couldn't seem to calm down. Tyler ran into the room and grabbed Matt from behind to calm him down. Ben rethought the whole scenario of who killed Tom. Lisa told Ben to leave. As he left Ben told her that Tyler couldn't have killed Tom and Lisa says, “You think Matt did?” Ben told her he is going to the police. Lisa asked him to wait.
See related: Secrets and Lies Recap: ‘The Sister’
Lisa explained Matt's situation and told Ben that with all the noise and press Matt gets unstable. Ben insinuated that Matt is a danger to others because of what he seen and accused Matt of killing Tom. Tyler walked in and told Ben to stop arguing with his mom. If she said Matt didn't do it, then he did not. Ben confronted the question of Tyler being in rehab and not in school situation and how Lisa lied about Tyler’s whereabouts when he was in rehab. Tyler said that after everything he had done his mom is the best for having let him stay there. He admitted that he did a hit and run while he was drunk driving so his mom hid him there. Then Ben asked about the blue jacket and Lisa asked him to not call the police because she is trying to protect Tyler and told him he can look through the entire house for the blue jacket. Tyler told her that she doesn't have to protect him and he already called the cops. They are on the way. He turned himself in for what he did.
At the precinct, Ben talked to Cornell about all his assumptions of Matt killing Tom. She asked him if he really thought an autistic boy was capable of murder. She told him that Matt doesn't like the rain so why would he be in the rain plus he uses GPS to get around and it was raining. She told him to just stop nosing around. Cornell warned him to stop pushing because eventually someone will push back.
Cornell brought a young man to the front door and told him that the young man is his vandal. Mr. Cooper who is Natalie’s now ex-boyfriend admitted that he did the vandal to the car and the fence. He said he did it because Ben wouldn't let him see Natalie. Natalie said Tom had just died. Then told him to leave after Ben agreed that he won't press charges. Cornell warned him that the flashlight incident in the garage was not connected to the other two incidents and he should watch himself because that was a serious and scary threat.
Later on, Mr. Cooper apologized in person to both Natalie and Ben. He told them he has community service for it. After he left, Natalie told her dad that she was going to do what he said adults do. She said, “I’m going to own it.” Meaning that she is going to own her mistake she made with not babysitting Tom that night. She went across to Jess’ house. Jess let her inside.
Afterwards, Ben showed up at Christy’s job to update her on Natalie. In conversation, he said, “You need a ride.” She told him that she was going to see a client. He gave her a curious look and asked, “At night?” Then he asked her on the spot what she wanted to do. Obviously the question was about the relationship. They talked in quiet and she explained that she is on a fence because of everything going on. Shes at a halt. A 5 year old is dead. She can't make a decision now.
He went back to his car which is in the parking garage. He got in and started it. He received a text message from an unknown number that stated, “You will pay for your sins.” Just then his car died, the music went off, the car locks automatically locked him in the car and all the lighting in the parking garage went off which left him in a locked car in a pitch black garage leaving us to wonder what is going to happen to Ben. Stay tuned.
Tell us what your thoughts are about this episode of Secrets and Lies. Do you think it was Matty? What do you think is going on with Christy? Where do you see their marriage heading? Where did the blue jacket go? Who put all those flashlights in the garage?
Credit: Dara Kushner/