Bruce Jenner has been getting plenty of support from family after giving an interview with Diane Sawyer, detailing his transition to becoming a woman. Now, ex-wife Linda Thompson has also spoken out by writing an essay about their life.

In her essay, Thompson, who has sons Brandon and Brody with Jenner, talked about how she “respectfully” held onto the secret about his feelings of being a woman. She said, “I knew he should be afforded the dignity to reveal the truth on his own time and in the way he sees fit.”

Thompson talked about watching Jenner perform in the Summer Olympics with Elvis Presley three years before meeting him in 1979. By the time their son Brody was around 18-months-old, Bruce came to her and revealed that he didn’t identify as a man.

She admits in the article that at that time in the ‘80s, gender dysphoria wasn’t understood so she was “naïve” about the situation for Bruce. They tried therapy before separating and while Thompson grieved their relationship, she “was also empathetic to, and mourned for, the pain that Bruce had experienced every day of his life.”

In addition, she also talked about making sure Brandon and Brody didn’t discover the truth about their father while also protecting Bruce’s secret. She waited until they were much older so they would be understanding and compassionate toward their father.

As previous reported, Jenner spoke to Sawyer in an interview that aired on Friday, in which he also said it would be his last as Bruce.

Since then, his family has been outspoken in their support of the former Olympian, including stepson Rob Kardashian.

Note: Bruce Jenner has not indicated a preference for female pronouns to be used as of yet. For now, will use male pronouns until otherwise indicated.

Image via Tina Kaawaloa/