Singer Michael Buble usually hits all the right notes on stage, but he completely flubbed a performance on Instagram. While in Miami earlier this week, the singer posted a picture of a woman’s behind and was slammed on social media for it.
The picture was posted on his Instagram and Facebook pages. He’s at a restaurant and behind him is a woman placing an order and wearing very short shorts.
“There was something about this photo lu took ,that seemed worthy of instagram,” Buble wrote, adding the hashtags “#myhumps #babygotback #hungryshorts #onlyinmiami #picoftheday #beautifulbum.”
While some fans laughed and even took it as a sign that Buble is just like everyone else, many others were really angry.
“Unfollowing. Who are you to take pictures of a woman's ‘hungry shorts’ and post in on social media without her knowledge? Also the number of ‘she was asking for it’ comments - is revolting,” one person wrote on Facebook. “A woman never ASKS to be objectified/assaulted/raped/discussed on the internet without her knowledge, regardless of what she is wearing.”
Another wrote, “What the hell is wrong with you, you think it's fine to post this specifically to reference a woman's ass without her knowing anything of it? Not cool Michael, that is not okay.”
“Not cool to do to a stranger,” one person posted on Instagram.
Others said that the critics needed to lighten up.
“If he was calling her names, saying she fat, I'd see an issue with this. His hashtags, clealry express something else,” an Instagram user wrote. “What's the big damn deal??? The issues that people have these days, boggle my mind. Go worry about war and poverty. Not this joke! Jeez. Lighten up people! @michaelbuble, you rock!”
And others wrote that she was asking for the attention, which sparked an even longer debate. “If she didn't want people to see her ass then she should have worn different shorts. She wore these for the wrong kind of attention and now she is getting it,” a Facebook user wrote. That comment alone got over 130 replies.
Of course, Buble hasn’t responded to any of the criticism of the shirt.
image via Instagram from Michael Buble
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