Sofia Vergara’s ex-fiance is attempting to clear up his reasoning behind the lawsuit he filed against his ex regarding the frozen embryos they created in November 2013 before they split in May 2014.

Loeb claimed in the lawsuit that he wanted to keep the embryos he created with the Modern Family star using his sperm and her eggs, but she wanted to destroy them.

Vergara, who’s now engaged to Joe Manganiello, responded through her attorney, who said she “has never wanted to destroy her embryos…and has never suggested that she wished to have the embryos destroyed.”

The embryos are currently being stored in a medical storage facility and both Loeb and Vergara need to be there in person to sign off on using them.

In a statement to Us Weekly, Loeb now says “I have always strongly believed that life begins at fertilization and that every embryo is a life on the journey towards birth. I created these two female embryos with the purpose of taking them to term and not destruction, because I have always dreamed of being a father.”

He went on to say he has reached out to Vergara to solve this matter privately and has “offered to waive any parental or financial responsibilities or obligations on the part of my ex,” but has also given her the “opportunity to be involved with the child in the future, should she change her mind,” adding, “I take the responsibility and obligation of being a parent very seriously.”

“Creating an embryo in the natural way can lead to parenthood obligations, even where a man doesn’t want to become a father. Where a man does want to become a father, and wants to impose no obligations on the other party, he should have that corresponding right. However life comes to be created, it should have no determination on either the rights of wanting to be or the requirements of having to be a parent,” he concluded.

image via Walter McBride/