The episode opens with the Fenton telling Ben to help him end Cornell. He pleaded with Ben because he feels Cornell is abusing her badge. He told Ben that Cornell arrested him in the past.

Ben went to prison to meet someone that Fenton told him was railroaded by Cornell. When he spoke to the convict he found out that she is Cornell’s daughter. She told him, “When you are on the wrong side of Cornell then you should give yourself up.” As he was leaving, Cornell showed up and told him that she has a lot of friends. She said when a murder suspect visits her daughter then she takes it personal.

Cornell called Ben into the precinct to tell him that he should give up and spare his family the grief. She had a display of the case against him in her office to show him a visual of how guilty he looked. She gave him different options that he can take, insinuating still that he is guilty. He told her again that he is innocent and that he can go with a different option. The option to go home to his family and she can go to hell.

Ben told Dave that he needs to get rid of the flashlight fast. He also told Dave that he needs to find this guy that Cornell has been chasing for years so he can prove Cornell is crooked. Ben went to the guy’s house and spoke to his wife finding out his name is Seth. She told Ben that Cornell made their life miserable because a little girl was strangled and Cornell believed that Seth did it. Cornell made their lives unbearable to live. Ben asked Seth’s wife if there was anything they can do to stop her then he found out she found her husband’s dead body a week ago. He hung himself in the basement because he couldn't deal with it anymore.

Ben sat outside Fenton’s house and saw a female come out of the house. Ben became very suspicious.

Later, he went home to get his family and the gifts to bring to Christy’s brothers party. He purposely dropped a gift so it can break so they had to go buy another gift. While Christy and the girls were looking for the new gift, he ran into the woods with the flashlight. He went and buried it. As he came back to the car, Christy was waiting. He told her he had to pee. As he was getting back in the car, he smothered the backpack that now had nothing in it under his leg as he sat down so nobody would see it, little did he know that Christy observed it. She did not say anything about it though.

See related: More Secrets and Lies

Christy waited until they got to her brothers and then she approached him. She asked for the truth. He lied, but told her it was the truth. She even said that she seen the backpack. He still lied. She told him he should go if he is going to lie. He walked away and said, “Good idea.”
When he was driving on the road, cars chased him and it turned out to be cops. The officer warned him not to mess with a cops family and left. It seemed Cornell was behind that.

Ben was over Daves when Seth’s son came by yelling at him for starting misery all over again. He told Ben that his dad did strangle the little girl and he saw pictures which he showed his dad. After Seth seen them, it was soon after he hung himself. The boy claimed that his mom did not know his dad was guilty, but now with an article written about their family his mom will know and all this chaos will start again.

The next day Cornell came to Ben’s house and read him his rights and escorted him to a crime scene. She had officers combing the woods where Ben had buried the flashlight the night before. They didn't find anything though. His lawyer told Cornell to let him go because they didn't find anything. As they were leaving, Ben seen the girl he seen leaving Fenton’s house. He called her on it in front of Cornell because now Ben felt that the girl was the leak that leaked evidence to the press. He brought Cornell to Fenton’s house and Cornell arrested him.

He went home and Christy gave him another ultimatum unless he told her the truth. They had a big blowout where emotions became raw and they said things that were hurtful. He told her that it would be the last ultimatum she gave and showed her the door. She took the girls, but Abby made it difficult to just leave. She didn't want to leave her dad. They became a spectacle outside on the block where neighbors including Jess witnessed it. Christy pulled off with the girls in tow.

Ben and his lawyer were walking through town and his lawyer told him that Cornell’s daughter is a criminal. It doesn't appear to be Cornell framing her or otherwise.

Christy’s brother came to the house to get some things for Christy and the girls.

Shortly after, Cornell knocked on his door.She entered the house. Cornell and Ben went head to head again about Tom’s death. She then showed him a surveillance video from the taxi that Ben took the night of Tom’s death when he was drunk. The video showed Ben getting out of the taxi and going to Jess’s house. Cornell said to Ben, “You said that you didn't go to Jess’s that night so either you are lying or you had a blackout. If you had a blackout, then its possible that you could do anything and not remember it.” Ben had a puzzled look on his face as she walked out of the house wishing him a Merry Christmas.

Do you think Ben had a blackout? Do you think Cornell is still hiding something? What are your thoughts of the latest episode of Secrets and Lies?

Credit: Dara Kushner/