With Easter just a few days away, many people are busy at work to celebrate this holiday. Family recipes are pulled out, lilies are bought and baskets full of treats are hidden. Most popular, and perhaps most fun, is preparing the Easter eggs.

The tradition of Easter eggs is far older than the holiday itself. According to History.com, pagan celebrations used eggs to represent new life. Christianity later changed that message to mirror the resurrection of Jesus. Now, the egg holds little spiritual meaning for most people but is still enjoyed on Easter by people of all faiths.

For years, people enjoyed eating plain eggs. The people from the Eastern Orthodox Church brought a new tradition by painting their eggs red in honor of Jesus’ blood, according to Huffington Post. This practice began the joy and creativity of decorating eggs.

Now, decorating and dying eggs is a favorite family tradition. Whether you hid the eggs, eat them or simply use them for decoration, here are some ideas that can get you started. These involve all different levels of skill and supplies needed, so you can easily find something for you to try.

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10. Baking Powder Easter Eggs from Mess for Less

Need a fun project that children can do but do not want to spend lots of money? This is a great solution. These cute eggs only need a few household items to decorate them: baking soda, vinegar, powdered paint, tongs and hard-boiled eggs. Kids and adults can easily enjoy doing this for an afternoon.

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9. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs from Housing a Forest

Crayons bring color to any piece of paper. Why not use them on an egg shell to add excitement? Once again, this is a very easy project. Simply shred the crayons and sprinkle them over warm hard-boiled eggs. The wax crayons should melt and leave fun designs on the shells.

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8. Baby Chick Deviled Eggs from Spend with Pennies

Hard-boiled eggs are good, but maybe that is not your favorite kind. These deviled eggs are a different type of Easter egg. The egg is slightly cracked so that a cute chick – made from the yellow yolk with black food coloring for eyes and a bit of carrot for a beak – peeks out of the “shell.” Family and friends are sure to “Aw” over this creation and enjoy eating it too.

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7. Easter Candy Inspired Speckled Easter Eggs from Dream a Little Bigger

If you want something a bit more classy or subdued, these speckled eggs are a good idea. You can make them look like realistic eggs or the popular candy eggs. Only a few supplies are needed such as vinegar, food coloring and a toothbrush. With a little bit of work, you will have a lovely treat.

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6. Decoupage Easter Eggs from Twin Dragonfly Designs

Want eggs for decoration instead of eating? Using a mixture of glue and water, you can paste paper with words onto egg forms. If you do not want to use words, find pictures to paste on the eggs. Depending on the paper you choose to paste on, the eggs can be vibrant, subdued, or classy.

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5. Hipster Easter Eggs from It’s Always Autumn

Even Easter eggs are going hipster. These are simple to make. Just print off the temporary tattoos found on the website. Otherwise, you can paint these simple designs onto hard-boiled eggs. Neat, right?

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4. Metallic Easter Eggs from Delineate Your Dwelling

For a bolder look, these eggs are spray painted gold. White chalk can be used to make small designs over the shimmer. The paint does make these eggs more dangerous to eat, so using these for decoration is probably the best idea.

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3. Galaxy Easter Eggs from Dream a Little Bigger

The gorgeousness of the night sky can never be fully captured. However, these eggs certainly try. Decorative eggs are painted black with other colors sponged on as well as a sprinkling of gold glitter. The end result is so majestic that you might want to use it year round.

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2. Sugar Eggs from Premeditated Leftovers

Maybe you do not really like eggs. Why not have some an egg made out of sugar instead? A fine sugar is used to make these beautiful treats while an icing is used to create pretty decorations. There are directions for adding icing roses and bunnies. Sure, these are a bit more detail oriented, but the result is pretty and sweet.

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1. Egg Creatures from Martha Stewart Living

These cute little animals have empty eggs or egg-shaped forms for bodies. Birds, pigs, cows, rabbits and more can be made with a few craft supplies. Now you can bring a bit of cuteness and fun into your home with this sweet decoration.