The Voice is down to the final four contestants. Pharrell Williams, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine all have artists competing for a record deal and the title of being ‘The Voice.’ Tonight featured Koryn Hawthorne, Meghan Linsey, Joshua Davis and Sawyer Fredricks each sing three times for a chance to prove that they are the best of the best in the competition.
Hawthorne from Team Pharrell kicked off the night with her own version of “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World.” Levine kicked off the comments by saying that he is unbelievably proud of her. Shelton said that performance proved by Hawthorne is in the finale. Aguilera said that she was very happy that Hawthorne had made it the finals. Coach Pharrell said that everyone in the audience should be standing up and cheering for her.
Following Hawthorne was Meghan Linsey from Team Blake. Linsey sang her own original song “Change My Mind.” Linsey was a co-writer on the original song. Aguilera said that she looked very nice and did a great job. Levine said that he is proud of Linsey and the show for allowing her to profile the song. Shelton said that he could go on and on about her singing but the song itself is so strong and powerful.
Next up was coach Pharrell and Sawyer Fredricks singing “Summer Breeze.”
Continuing the performances was Joshua Davis’ original song “The Workingman’s Hymn,” which he wrote himself. Shelton said that Davis is a great songwriter and that the song is stuck in his head. Levine added that this isn’t just Davis writing a song, it is him writing a fantastic song and that he is the real deal.
Fredricks sang an original song that was written by Ray Lamontagne titled, “Please.” Levine started the o=comments by saying that working with Lamontagne is winning in its own right and that if that had happened to him at Fredricks age, his bind would have been blown. Williams said that it is great to see Fredricks living his own dream.
Teaming up for their performance, Hawthorne and Williams sang “We Can Work It Out” originally performed by The Beatles.
Next up was Joshua Davis from Team Adam and he sang, “Halleluiah.” Aguilera said that whenever she sees someone who has such a beautiful voice and the style of music that you do, it really showcased the melody and the harmony of the song. Levine said that this was a very special moment and he should be very proud of this.
Meghan Linsey and Blake Shelton teamed up for “Freeway of Love.” For their coach/artist performance.
Coach Adam teamed up with Joshua Davis for his final performance the duo sang, “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes” by Paul Simon.
The live results and the winner will be announced tomorrow night on NBC.
For her final performance of the night Hawthorne performed her first original single, “Bright Fire.” The song was written by Pharrell personally for Hawthorne. Levine said that having Pharrell write a song for you is the dream and that is crazy. He said that the performance was amazing. Williams said that Hawthorne is special and that he is thankful for this platform to debut this brand new single.
For her final performance of the night Meghan Linsey sang “When A Man Loves A Woman.” Shelton said that its hard to tell who is in the lead when it comes to the finale but this is the type of performance that could really change the course of events and that Linsey had the performance of the night.
Closing out the night was Sawyer Fredricks from Team Pharrell. Fredricks final performance was “Old Man” by Neil Young. Levine said that no matter what, don’t ever lose sight of who he is as an artist and that he is the real deal. Aguilera added she was shocked when he picked Pharrell but this journey was laid out so perfectly and that he is a gem. Williams said that the clock starts now and that whatever happens, Fredricks is living the dream and he is just honored to be a part of that dream.
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