Bill Murray appeared on David Letterman’s last Late Show appearance ahead of Wednesday’s final bow and he really made an entrance. He also might've had a bit too much fun.

Murray popped out of Letterman’s farewell cake, emerging to give him an icing-covered hug. He proceeded to smear icing on some members of the audience and Letterman’s house band, too.

Murray and his old friend then took shots of vodka on-air, but those might’ve put him over the edge. When he wrapped the taping on the Late Show, he stumbled on to the set of MSNBC for The Last Word and fell off a chair in studio.

Daily News reports while saying goodbye to Letterman, he praised him with some strange words.

“You've had a wonderful run," he said. "You fell in love and you married a virgin who gave birth to an infant god child … then your wife gave up the virgin thing completely and you've been rolling ever since. "

image via Curtis Means/