Bristol Palin is breaking her silence on calling off her wedding to fiancé, Dakota Meyer, which was supposed to take place this past weekend.

Her mother, Sarah Palin, confirmed the wedding was off in a lengthy Facebook post last week but did say the two families were still getting together for a party on the day the wedding was scheduled.

"I guess you have seen by now that the wedding — that was supposed to happen last weekend — was called off," she wrote on her blog. "I'm sure you've seen this has been all over the media, but this is a painful time for family and friends and I would just really appreciate your prayers."

Palin, 24, added, "I know God's plan is greater than anything else, and Tripp and I are in Alaska beginning to rebuild our lives under much different circumstances than we anticipated. Thank you for all of your love and support."

She never gets specific about why the wedding was canceled, though she did previously shoot down rumors it was because Meyer was still legally married to his first wife.

Palin and Meyer announced their engagement in March.

image via Roger Wong/