Sometimes, we go to the movies to forget reality, but Screen Junkies’ incredibly popular Honest Trailers videos smash our suspension of disbelief. They finally got around to smashing the incredible fantasies in Universal's Fifty Shades of Grey film adaptation this week.

They pulled absolutely no punches in their break-down of the film, noting how it all started as E.L. James’ kinky Twilight fan-fiction. Indeed, they refuse to call Anastasia Steele anything but Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart’s Twilight character).

Christian Grey - we mean Edward Cullen - is also a complete sociopath, as they point out, “but who cares when you got these abs... and Audis ... and a really nice apartment.”

After also pointing out the many boring elements that are actually in the movie (like contract negotiations and written consent forms), Screen Junkies listed all the awful lines that didn’t make it into the final cut. Seriously, did E.L. James really write, “I feel the color in my cheeks rising again. I must be the color of the communist manifesto”?

There’s two more Fifty Shades movies in the works, so there will be more Honest Trailers on the way.

image courtesy of Famous/ACE/