Saturday Night Live cast member, Sasheer Zamata, who has portrayed Rihanna on the long-running NBC sketch show, is dishing about what happened when she met the Barbados-born singer.
She admitted during a live chat at Brooklyn’s Union Hall for Brunch Night With Jamie LeeLo that she was nervous to meet the “Stay” singer.
Zamata recalled meeting her when the singer came on the show as a musical guest and things started off smoothly, but got worse when Rihanna had a few to drink.
“We had had a good night after the dress rehearsal, and she turned around and saw me and she was like 'Hey!' and she gave me a hug," she explained.
“Then she got drunker progressively throughout the show,” Zamata continued, and it went downhill from there.
“At the end of good nights for the actual show, I went up to give her a hug because I was like 'We're good, we're besties now,'" she laughed. "And I was like 'Hey!' and she was like [mimes bored wave]. So I was like 'Ohhh, wow your true feelings are coming out!'"
Zamata joined the cast of SNL last year as the first African-American female cast member since Maya Rudolph left several years ago.
Here’s Zamata’s impression of Rihanna as the ‘90s star Blossom:
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