A new trailer for the Amy Winehouse documentary Amy has surfaced, which focuses on her life in the public eye. The first trailer centered on her life before fame.

The first look at Asif Kapadia’s Amy was a dark depiction of the “Back to Black” singer’s roots, showing Winehouse saying she would “go mad” if she were to be famous.

Rolling Stone reports the second trailer is even darker, showing Winehouse clearly handling fame poorly. It also shows a glimpse of her relationship with her ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil.

“I fell in love with someone who I would have died for. And that's like a real drug, isn't it?" she tells the camera. At the time of her death, she was dating Regg Travis, who wrote an op/ed about the film in the Telepraph.

He called Amy a “fictionalised biopic centred around a distorted depiction of Amy’s life,” adding, “It upsets me that this film may now shape how people remember her.”

The release of the full length trailer comes after the film’s Cannes Film Festival debut.

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