Nahla Berry, daughter of the lovely actress Halle Berry, decided to help children in Africa by raising money and awareness. The 7-year-old girl did this in the way many kids earn their first dollar: a lemonade stand.

This interest started for the daughter after her mother traveled to Nicaragua with World Food Programme (WFP). Berry had a campaign with the new partner of WFP, fashion designer Michael Kors. Together, they rallied to bring awareness about the numerous people worldwide without enough food. “WFP is especially focused on providing assistance to women because, as mothers, teachers and entrepreneurs, they will improve the future for their families and communities. It’s an effort I’m eager to be a part of because I’m certain we can make a real and substantial difference in the lives of people in need,” Berry told WFP.

When Nahla saw her peers with lack of resources but many similarities, the girl was inspired to make a difference. For the impoverished children, she began a lemonade stand and sent her extra toys. According to People, Berry remarked, “I’m so proud of her. It’s important to teach your children about caring for children.”